Newsletter No. 429/430

Nos. 429 /430, 23.12.2013 3 中 文大學五十周年校慶連串慶祝活動,早於今年1月已展開, 到年終進入高潮。12月7日是校友日,大學校長論壇亦同日 舉辦,當晚更在百萬大道舉行校慶匯演。校園由早上至晚人聲鼎 沸,鼓樂喧天。壓軸盛事則是12月8日傍晚在香港會議展覽中心舉 行的五十周年校慶晚宴。 超過五千位本港與海外校友及其親友出席今年的校友日( 圖1 ), 大學特別設立「校友關愛自然徑」及悉心闢建「金禧校友園」,兩 個象徵校友與母校相繫的地標於當日揭幕。 「校友關愛自然徑」以位於邵逸夫堂與潤昌堂之間的金禧承澤園 為起點,延伸至九所書院及中央校園(包括研究院),沿途設銘謝 牌,讓中大人及友好認捐,籌得款項將用於大學及其成員書院之學 生獎助學金。( 圖3 ) 「金禧校友園」位於大學東門,園內種植了五十一棵樹木,代表過 去五十屆畢業之校友,以及中大正式成立前之三所成員書院之畢 業校友。( 圖2 ) 晚上的「五十周年校慶匯演:百萬零一夜」,是匠心獨運的光影多 媒體製作。點點燈光把百萬大道妝點得火樹銀花,大學圖書館外 牆化為闊大屏幕,錄像投射其上,帶領觀眾重溫過去半世紀的人 與事,場面壯觀。烽火台變舞台,師生校友輪番上台,表演音樂、 話劇、舞蹈、魔術……( 圖4 ),還有昔日學運領袖聚首話當年。  盧瑋鑾 (小思老師)為以大學圖書館為家的小白腰雨燕撰文,並由 畫家 海潮 即席以沙畫演繹( 圖5 )。 整個活動的編排表達了不同層面的中大情懷和生活片段,傳遞了 對中大的先賢學輩的敬意,流露了對中大一草一木、工友司機的感 激,也環繞着中大人對理想的不離不棄。高峰期間,百萬大道估計 聚集了六千多觀眾,氣氛高漲,並有超過一千台電腦或手機登入觀 賞現場直播。 香港中文大學    周年 50 th Anniversary of CUHK 歡 呼 躍 動 賀 金 禧 Golden Jubilee Celebrations T he year 2013 marks the Golden Jubilee of CUHK. Starting from January, an array of celebratory events has been organized, reaching a climax in December. The annual Alumni Homecoming Day and the Golden Jubilee University Presidents’ Forum were held on 7 December and the ‘CUHK 50th Anniversary Performance: The Magical Mall’ was staged that night, turning the campus into a land of fun and excitement from dawn to dusk. The highlight of the Golden Jubilee was the 50th Anniversary Banquet which took place at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 8 December. This year, the CUHK Alumni Homecoming drew over 5,000 alumni, their families and friends to the campus ( photo 1 ). The Caring Alumni EcoCampus Trail and the Golden Jubilee Alumni Garden, both signifying the close connections between the alumni and their alma mater, were opened that day. Starting from the Golden Jubilee Garden of Appreciation, a new CUHK landmark located in central campus between Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and Y.C. Liang Hall in celebration of the 50th anniversary, the Caring Alumni EcoCampus Trail connects the nine Colleges with central campus and the Graduate School. CUHK members and friends are welcome to adopt plaques placed along the trail. All donations will be contributed to scholarships of the University and the Colleges. ( photo 3 ) A total of 51 trees were planted at the Golden Jubilee Alumni Garden located at East Campus, representing alumni who graduated from the University in the past 50 years and those from the three constituent Colleges before the founding of the University. ( photo 2 ) During the ‘CUHK 50th Anniversary Performance: The Magical Mall’ held at night, the University Mall was decorated in lights and illuminated by special effects. The facade of the University Library became a massive screen for video projection, inviting the audience to join a trip down memory lane to revisit noteworthy moments in the past five decades. A great variety of performances were staged, including singing, drama, dancing and a magic show. ( photo 4 ) Student activists from the old times once again gathered at the Beacon to reflect on the unique history of the landmark. Distinguished teacher Prof. Lo Wai-luen had written beautiful prose about the swifts who called the University Library their home and artist Hoi Chiu turned those words into images with sand painting. ( photo 5 ) Through the presentation on stage of different facets of life at CUHK, the programme paid tribute to the scholars who have gone before us, as well as plants, workmen and school bus drivers who had graced our campus with their presence. It also highlighted the perseverance of CUHK members in realizing their dreams. During the peak period, an estimate of 6,000 plus participants gathered at the University Mall and over 1,000 computers and mobile devices were tuned in to the live broadcast. 1 2 4 3 5