Newsletter No. 431

P2 「 圖書館大力支持『開放存 取』的概念 。」 ‘The Library supports the spirit of expanded access to scholarly research and resources.’ 恭賀新禧 H appy N ew Y ear 本刋下期(四三二期) 將於2月19日出版。 The CUHK Newsletter will take a break and resume publication on 19 February. 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 進入幾米世界 著名台灣繪本作家幾米於1月10日主講中大與信興集團合辦之「信 興藝文講座」,向一千五百名中大師生、校友及公眾人士暢談「我 所熱愛的創作」,全場座無虛席。他道出當年無心插柳踏上藝術 路的經過,又述及重病對他體會生命和創作的影響。精采生動的 演講,加上不平凡的人生經歷,就如他的作品般有歡樂畫面,也 帶有淡淡的哀傷和些許的無奈,另有一番味道。 Enter the World of Jimmy Liao Mr. Jimmy Liao, a world renowned picture book author, spoke on ‘Creation through Illustration; My Passion’ for the Shun Hing Lecture in Arts and Humanities co-organized by CUHK and the Shun Hing Group on 10 January. The event drew a full house of about 1,500 CUHK staff and students, alumni and members of the public. Mr. Liao talked about how he embarked on a journey of art by accident and how serious illness triggered deeper thoughts on life and shaped the direction of his creation. His vivid presentation on his unusual experience is like his artwork, a brew of happiness and sadness. 第四三一期 二零一四年一月十九日  No. 431 19 January 2014 P10 「我發現這城市除了是廣 為人知的購物天堂,其實 還有更多。」 ‘I have seen much more than the shopping paradise that everyone thinks Hong Kong is.’