Newsletter No. 435
2 No. 435, 4.4.2014 香 港每年的電影盛事—香港國際電影節,在三、四 月舉行,是令影痴晨昏顛倒的季節。同樣盛事這個 三、四月也在中大校園上演。 「博群電影節」的策劃人說他們在中大放電影,是希望在 理想場地放映有質素的影像,這樣電影才有感染力。觀映 後的座談會,對「成長」、「教育」、「志向」等議題無所不 談,他們有信心在欣賞及討論的過程中,可以回應時代, 為觀者帶來智慧與勇氣。 電影節選了《KANO》作為開幕電影,它要說的正是信 念:到底我們活着為了甚麼?我們有甚麼堅持?《乘着光 影旅行》說的是台灣著名電影攝影師 李屏賓 的故事,導演 之一的 關本良 本身也是攝影師,他為李屏賓作傳,因為他 受後者的成就鼓舞,同時亦體會他的困苦。影片其實是同 道人的業藝觀摩和惺惺相惜。 電影節有幾部與校園和成長有關的,可歸類為校園電 影。其中《暴雨驕陽》最為人熟悉,說的是一所私校的中 學生受到一位教師非傳統教法的衝擊,在成長交叉路上 看到主流以外的一些選擇,但卻又未敢把命運牢牢握在 手裏。片中的拉丁警語 carpe diem (珍惜當下)與 Walt Whitman 的詩,相信曾經撫潤過不少徬徨的心。《校緣心 曲》的主角在一所博雅書院唸文學,畢業後在社會營營役 役,一次偶然機會重返校園,邂逅比他年紀小一截的女大 學生,浪漫與文學的大門好像再一次為他打開,但他卻在 理想與世故之間猶豫不定。 在校園電影中,校園通常被描繪成理想國,一塊友情、浪 漫、美善的沃土。《玻璃之城》部分在香港大學取景,主 人翁在成人的世界身心俱疲,內心不免替大學時代的流金 歲月漆上浪漫的油彩。《少女失樂園》則是寫小鎮少女遇 上感情騙子,天使墮落凡間,在考上牛津大學之前,先上了 一節情感的課。 說起校園電影,八十年代的英國片 Educating Rita 雖 不在這次放映之列,但也值得一提。初挑大樑的 Julie Walters ,演一位髮型師為了充實自己報讀公開大學,她 的導師是 Michael Caine 飾演的文學教授,家庭生活不如 意,事業停滯不前,兼有酗酒習慣。影片描述髮型師一方 面承受着自身階級的桎梏與壓力,一方面努力內化學苑文 化。到影片結尾,髮型師學有所成,而文學教授亦在這位 學生身上得到重拾生活信心的啟發。 花有了,書有了,電影也有了,大學生活好像不缺甚麼了。 博群四月,定格流金 Show and Tell, Come March and April T he Hong Kong International Film Festival, into its 38th instalment this year, has been a much anticipated fixture on the calendar of local film buffs. Now film buffs of CUHK need not go far for some real treats. The organizers of the I • CARE Film Festival say that they hope to show quality films on an ideal location so that the films would have maximum impact. Many of the screenings are followed by discussion forums on themes such as growing up, education and aspiration. They are confident that the festival would be a postcard from the time and bring wisdom and courage to its audience. KANO , as the premiere film, is about belief: What do we live for? What do we stand by? Let the Wind Carry Me tells the story of the Taiwanese cinematographer Mark Lee . Its director Kwan Pung-leung is himself a cinematographer who was inspired by Mark Lee and knew about the hardships of film-making. The film is a tribute of one artist to another. Several films on the schedule are about schools and growing up and can be generally categorized as campus films. In Dead Poets Society , a group of students in an elite school are jolted out of their comfort zone by the unorthodox approach of a teacher and open their eyes to more possibilities ahead of them. But not many dare to take matters into their own hands. The Latin aphorism carpe diem (seize the day) and quotes from Walt Whitman ’s poetry had inspired many of the film’s followers. The protagonist in Liberal Arts read literature at a small liberal arts college. After graduation and several years of working life, he found himself back in the college and met a female student there. Romance and literature beckon once again, but being a few years older and knowing himself a little better, he has to weigh his options carefully. In campus films, the campus often appears utopian, a paradise where friendship, love, beauty and beneficence are aplenty. The protagonists in City of Glass have had their fair share of tear and wear. In their mind’s eye their university days are tinted with a prelapsarian aura. An Education takes the opposite route to heaven. A sixteen-year-old girl from a provincial town is charmed and conned by a young man. She took a fall, a lesson in sentimental education, before packing off to study at Oxford University. Though not listed in this festival, a British film from the early 1980s, Educating Rita , is a must-see campus film. In her debut role, Julie Walters plays a hairdresser who suddenly wants to have a real education and so she enrols in the open university. Her academic adviser, played by Michael Caine , is a literature professor who’s having problems in his family, his career and his drinking. The film is about how the hairdresser overcomes obstacles from her social class and peers to realize her dream. In the end, she made it and even the cantankerous professor has something to thank his student for showing how important it is to have a purpose and an aspiration in life. After the books, the flowers, we have the films. Can one ask for more? 「博群電影節」網站 I • CARE Film Festival website : 《KANO》監製魏德聖 Wei Te-sheng, producer of KANO 《乘着光影旅行》導演關本良 Kwan Pung-leung, director of Let the Wind Carry Me 《狂舞派》導演黃修平 Wong Sau-ping Adam, director of The Way We Dance 《違章天堂》、《女朋友男朋友》導演楊雅喆 Gillies Yang, director of A Lease to Paradise and Girlfriend, Boyfriend 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 看電影跟電影院的關係本是密不可分,惟時至今日,電影院 愈建愈小,影屏也由大銀幕漸漸轉移到電視機、桌面電腦、板 腦、以至電話。樂趣會否因機會變得唾手可得而減少,人言人 殊。然而對九十後新生代的大學生而言,在一千四百多座的邵 逸夫堂觀看膠卷電影,在露天的新亞圓形廣場和伍宜孫書院中 庭開着暖燈席地而坐,散場後再與導演、監製、影評人、校長、 老師及同學討論交流,這種知性與感性交織的經驗,一生難有 幾回。中大人得有博群電影節,何其幸運。 電影是綜合表述媒介,語言則是人類最基本的表述工具,演化 系統複雜。中大新成立的語言與人類複雜系統聯合研究中心, 將在 王士元 教授領導下,以多樣化的中國語言和方言為重點, 探討人類的複雜性,本期〈洞明集〉淺說一二。 二十與二十一世紀之交,教育改革在香港高唱入雲,影響漸見 其緒。前事不忘,後事之師,各種方案的實際成效,將成為後來 者的參考。 張志強 教授是研究實證為本教育改革的專家,就請 他為我們解說一下。 田家炳樓旁玫瑰怒放,赫見一朵三苞奇花。人傑地靈的校園, 就連生物也多樣多姿。 Movie-watching was once synonymous with cinema-going. Nowadays, cinemas are shrinking in size, and the movie screen has moved from cinemas to television sets, PCs, tablets and even mobile phones. Will the level of movie enjoyment diminish with increased accessibility? It depends. For university students born in the 1990s, watching movies projected from reels of film in the 1,400-seat Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, enjoying late shows under the sky at the New Asia Amphitheatre and the central courtyard of Wu Yee Sun College, and engaging in enlightening discourse with film directors, producers, critics, the Vice-Chancellor, teachers and fellow students, is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience that enriches both intellect and emotions. And this is thanks to the I • CARE Film Festival organized only at CUHK! While film employs multiple media of expression, language is a fundamental instrument for human expression which involves a complex adaptive system. Under the leadership of Prof. William S-Y. Wang , the newly established Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity at CUHK will examine human complexity with emphasis on various Chinese languages and dialects. ‘In Plain View’ in this issue briefs us on this. Hong Kong has undergone rigorous education reforms at the turn of the 21st century, from which results have begun to appear. Experience is the best teacher. Prof. Alan C.K. Cheung , an expert in evidence-based education reform, tells us how research proven programmes with strong evidence of effectiveness inform practitioners and policy-makers on future policies. The flowers by the side of Tin Ka Ping Building are in full bloom. Look closer and you will find a unique tri-bud rose. The fertile soil of our campus surely has nurtured diversity in every aspect. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 博群四月,定格流金 2 Show and Tell, Come March and April 禤永明樓多功能學習中心 3 New Multi-purpose Learning Centre at Shaw 洞明集 In Plain View 4 博文貫珍 The Galleria 5 校園消息 Campus News 6 人事動態 Ins and Outs 9 宣布事項 Announcements 10 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f+b 11 藝文雅趣 Arts and Leisure 11 張志強如是說 Thus Spake Alan C.K. Cheung 12
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