Newsletter No. 437

7 中大獲贈嵌入式系統研發工具 CUHK Receives Development Tools on Embedded Systems 中大獲全球最大半導體公司英特爾捐贈價值一千四百 萬港元的先進嵌入式控制器開發板與相關軟件許可證, 並於計算機科學與工程學系成立「英特爾嵌入式系統實 驗室」,以培育全球需求甚殷的嵌入式系統人才。中大 與英特爾日前舉行實驗室授牌儀式,由中大副校長兼電 子工程學講座教授程伯中教授( 右六 )及英特爾國際高 等教育總監JoZell Johnson女士( 右五 )主禮,計算機科 學與工程學系助理教授麥穗冬教授( 左五 )獲委任為實 驗室主任。 嵌入式系統普及應用於現代生活中,從電子手錶、流動 電話等便攜設備到交通燈等固定設備,以及電動車和磁 力共振成像等複雜系統,都是以內置嵌入式系統來控制 運作。中心啟用後,修讀「嵌入式系統開發與應用」課 程的工程學院學生,將可使用英特爾捐贈的Atom主板 和伽利略板開發嵌入式系統的創新應用。是次合作將加 強中大在計算機科學及工程方面的教學及研究,亦有助 激發學生的創新思維和投入科技發展的興趣。 CUHK received a batch of advanced embedded controller development boards and associated software licenses worth HK$14 million from Intel Corporation, the world’s largest multinational semiconductor chip maker. To advance the collaboration between CUHK and Intel on nurturing embedded systems talent that is in high demand around the world, the ‘Intel Embedded Systems Research Centre’ was established at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The plaque presentation ceremony was officiated by Prof. Ching Pak-chung ( 6th right ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Electronic Engineering of CUHK, and Ms. JoZell Johnson ( 5th right) , Global Higher Education Director, Intel Corporation. Prof. Mak Sui-tung Terrence ( 5th left ), assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering has been appointed as director of the centre. Embedded systems are ‘embedded in’ our everyday life. They are used to control the operations of numerous electronic applications from mobile phones, traffic lights, 手語雙語共融教育計劃籌款 Fundraising for Sign Bilingual Education 中大手語及聾人研究中心於4月舉辦「心連 • 伸延—手口同心樂共融」籌款活動,為「聾 人教育基金」籌募經費,以繼續支持「手語雙 語共融教育計劃」的運作,並讓公眾了解現時 香港手語雙語教育的發展情況。中心總監鄧 慧蘭教授表示:「手語雙語共融教育計劃開創 了香港特殊教育歷史的先河。參與計劃的師 生經過七年奮鬥,已獲得海內外專業人士以 及聯合國教科文組織國際教育局的支持及認 可。我們非常希望聾、健學生之間的這份關愛 與互助精神能得以延續,讓更多聾、健學生受 惠於手語雙語教育,在一個平等共融、沒有語 言障礙的環境下共同學習和成長。」 在為期三天的籌款活動中,多名參與計劃的學生及聾人 組織代表獻上表演,並向公眾傳達聾健合作無間、平等共 融的信息。參與計劃的學校校長、師生及家長亦與公眾述 說手語雙語教育對聾、健學生成長及發展帶來的影響,以 及手語雙語教育的重要性。 The Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies (CSLDS) of CUHK held a fundraising event entitled ‘Linking Hands and Hearts Fun Day’ to raise money for the CUHK Deaf Education Fund which supports the Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrolment in Deaf Education Programme and educates the public on the historical development of sign bilingual education in Hong Kong. Prof. Gladys Tang, director of the CSLDS, said, ‘The programme is the first ever deaf education programme in the history of special education in Hong Kong and Asia. After seven 豐盛文化之夜 A Night of Cultural Diversity 沈祖堯校長日前邀請約一百位來自二十多個不同國家 及地區的國際生、內地生及本地生,以及多位駐港外 國總領事或領事館代表,還有非本地生獎學金捐款人 出席聯歡晚會,鼓勵不同地區的學生互相認識及交 流。晚會安排多項別具特色的表演節目及攤位,讓參加 者度過一個豐盛的文化之夜,並有學生中式涼茶、西方 啤酒及日本梅酒競飲比賽。 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, recently hosted a dinner party for international, mainland and local students. About 100 students from over 20 countries or regions, consuls and donors of non-local student scholarships were in attendance at the party, enjoying a variety of cross-cultural performances and programmes, and a drinking competition featuring beer, Chinese herbal tea, and Japanese umeshu. years of persistent effort by teachers and students, the programme has gained international support and recognition, including that from the UNESCO International Bureau of Education. Continuous effort is necessary to build a model in Hong Kong to demonstrate to the world that inclusive practices are possible between deaf and hearing students through a sign bilingual and co-enrolment approach.’ At the three-day event, deaf associations and school students of the programme presented wonderful performances, epitomizing equality and harmony between deaf and hearing people. Headmasters, parents and students who have been participating in the programme pointed out the significance of inclusive education through experience sharing. electric vehicles to Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems. An embedded system contains chips with in-built software to perform particular functions. Students who enrol on the course ‘Embedded Systems Development and Applications’ offered by the Faculty of Engineering will have the chance to use Intel’s Atom board and Galileo board available at the centre to explore innovative applications of embedded systems. The collaboration will further strengthen CUHK’s education and applied research on embedded systems, and inspire students’ innovations and interest in technology development. No. 437, 4.5.2014