Newsletter No. 440

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 現代積木回到明朝 將色彩鮮艷、方正整齊的樂高玩具,結合以黑白為主調、講求以 形寫神的傳統中國山水畫,會得出何種味道?藝術系應屆畢業 生張小黎,以變體臨摹方式,用當代人角度重現明朝畫家沈周的 作品,名為《臨沈周水墨山水圖卷》,整幅長五米半,上圖為作品 局部。此作現與其他三十多項藝術系畢業生的作品,於中大文物 館展出,展期至6月29日。 Ming Painting Receives a Modern Touch What happens when multi-coloured Lego bricks are combined with an ethereal Chinese ink-and-wash painting? Zhang Xiaoli, fresh graduate of the Department of Fine Arts, makes a creative attempt by copying a painting of Shen Zhou, a painter from the Ming Dynasty, from a modern perspective. The photo above shows part of her 550cm-long work A Copy of Handscroll Landscape of Shen Zhou . Together with other some 30 works by the fresh graduates of the same department, the painting is on display at the Art Museum of CUHK until 29 June. 第四四零期 二零一四年六月十九日 No. 440 19 June 2014 《中大通訊》將於暑期停刊,下 期(四四一期)於8月19日出版。 The CUHK Newsletter will take a summer break and resume publication on 19 August. P2 對回天乏術的末期病人來說, 需要的已經不是「病」的治 癒,而是「痛」的緩解。 For patients with diseases at an advanced stage, what they need is no longer a cure, but relief from suffering. P10 「我們不應只顧累積盈餘卻 不加運用,而應用得其所, 令大學能厚積實力。」 ‘Accumulating money is not our end, but spending it wisely and helping the University to build capacity.’