Newsletter No. 441

6 441 • 19.8.2014 中大設立姚連生教授席 Establishment of Yao Ling Sun Professorships 中大獲姚連生先生遺贈二千七百餘萬港元,用作設立「姚連生建築學教授席」及「姚連 生外科講座教授席」。大學於6月23日舉行支票捐贈儀式,以感謝姚氏家族對大學的慷慨 支持。 中大從眾多成就卓越的教員中,選出建築學院吳恩融教授及外科學系劉潤皇教授,分別擔 任首位「姚連生建築學教授」及「姚連生外科講座教授」。每年由姚連生先生遺贈捐款孳 生之利息,為冠名教授的研究項目提供穩定資助。 CUHK has received a most generous bequest of HK$27,651,001.36 from Mr. Yao Ling Sun to set up two Yao Ling Sun professorships, one in architecture and one in surgery. A cheque presentation ceremony was held on 23 June to acknowledge the generous support from the Yao family. CUHK has chosen amongst the most distinguished faculty members, and has appointed Prof. Ng Yan-yung Edward and Prof. Lau Yun-wong James to be the first incumbent of the Yao Ling Sun Professor of Architecture and the Yao Ling Sun Professor of Surgery, respectively. The interest generated from the endowment funds will provide additional and stable annual funding to the incumbent professors’ related research activities in perpetuity. 左起:劉潤皇教授、沈祖堯校長、姚連生夫人、姚根深先生及姚玲玲女士 From left: Prof. James Lau, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Mrs. Yao Ling Sun, Mr. Kenson Yao, and Ms. Mary Yao 何子樑醫生伉儷榮譽生學會獎學金頒獎典禮 Dr. and Mrs. Tzu Leung Ho Honor Society Outstanding Academic Awards Presentation Ceremony 第四屆何子樑醫生伉儷榮譽生學會獎學金頒獎 典禮暨晚宴於5月26日在善衡書院舉行。何子 樑醫生伉儷( 前排右四及五 )、沈祖堯校長( 前排 右二 )、副校長霍泰輝教授( 前排左二 )、醫學院 院長陳家亮教授( 前排左一 )、一眾得獎學生、家 長及其他嘉賓聚首一堂。今年共有十五位醫學院 的優秀學生獲獎,其中區子健醫生獲頒發最傑 出學業成績大獎。 The fourth annual Dr. and Mrs. Tzu Leung Ho Honor Society Outstanding Academic Awards Presentation Ceremony cum Annual Dinner was successfully held on 26 May at the S.H. Ho College. Dr. and Mrs. Tzu Leung Ho ( front row, 4th and 5th left ); Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( front row, 2nd right ), CUHK Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Fok Tai-fai ( front row, 2nd left ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor; and Prof. Francis Chan ( front row, 1st left ), Dean of Medicine, attended the event to meet with the awardees, their parents, and other guests. This year, a total of 15 medical students from the MBChB Programme received outstanding academic awards. The Grand Medal went to Dr. Alex Au. 圖書館流動程式大募集 Library Mobile Apps Challenge 大學圖書館系統與計算機科學與工程學系合辦名為「圖書館流動程式大募集」的流動通訊應 用程式比賽,已圓滿結束,並於5月28日「第五届國際流動圖書館會議」的開幕禮上頒發獎項, 主禮嘉賓包括中大常務副校長華雲生教授( 右一 )及大學圖書館館長李露絲女士( 左一 )。 此次比賽所有中大學生均可參加,主題是「指尖上的圖書館」,目的是從學生身上發掘有趣 念頭,使流動程式可進一步推廣圖書館服務,幫助他們同輩更有效地在圖書館找到所需資 訊。比賽反應熱烈,共有二十六支隊伍參與,最後共有八支入圍。冠軍由姚鈞文、茅許霄、王 成、徐宏昊、李宜威組成的隊伍獲得。 The ‘Library Mobile Apps Challenge’ is an idea generation/mobile app development contest jointly organized by the University Library System and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Open to all CUHK students, the contest concluded with a prize-giving presentation at the opening ceremony of the 5th International M-libraries Conference on 28 May. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Benjamin W. Wah ( 1st right ), Provost; and Ms. Louise Jones ( 1st left ), University Librarian. With the theme ‘Make Better Use of the Library with the Mobile Apps’, the contest was aimed at looking for interesting ideas from students for a mobile app that would promote library services, and would enable their peers to find information more effectively. A total of 26 teams entered the contest and eight were shortlisted in the final round. The championship went to a team consisting of Yao Junwen, Mao Xuxiao, Wang Cheng, Xu Honghao, and Li Yiwei. 校園消息 Campus News