Newsletter No. 441

441 • 19.8.2014 1 441 19 • 08 • 2014 敲響警鐘 Sounding the Alarm 地球系統科學課程助理教授戴沛權以先進的計算機模型,預測在未來數十年,氣候變化加上空氣污染惡化,可能導致農作物產量大減,威脅全球 糧食安全和公眾健康。研究結果發表在《自然-氣候變化》。 Prof. Amos P.K. Tai of the Earth System Science Programme has used a sophisticated computer model to project that in the next few decades, climate change and uncontrolled air pollution together may severely damage global crop production, posing a serious threat to global food security and public health. The findings have been published in Nature Climate Change . 暑 假在暴雨和驕陽中走到尾聲,每逢學年開始,《中大通訊》總會搞點新意思。 今年率先登場的新欄目是Letters to a Young Executive,欄主H君會以過來人身 分,與年輕行政人員分享職場心得;不是籌謀事業階梯,而是從基本功入手。今期先淺談會 議公文和入門工具書。 與此欄更迭出現的將是Tech Talks。要脫離資訊科技而生活已不可能,但這個生活夥伴確 是既熟悉又陌生。該欄將嘗試用趣味角度解讀一些資訊科技的原理或現象。 人物專訪穩據本刊封底已有六年,中大人才濟濟,各領風騷,不愁沒有訪問對象。「口談實 錄」將繼續介紹大學要員和校園特色人物,並加設訪問錄像。讀者可登上《中大通訊》網 頁,一睹他們的風采。研究及知識轉移服務處處長葉偉霖博士是第一位面對我們兩組鏡頭 的受訪者。 《中大通訊》網上版包含了印刷本全部內容,還有更多互動元素,歡迎隨時留言回應,甚或 提供內容。還有,別忘了登入其新住客「中大百寶箱面書」尋寶。 T he summer is coming to an end with some rather dramatic weather. Drama of a different kind happens at the CUHK Newsletter too as we usher in fresh ideas to welcome a new academic year. In the new column ‘Letters to a Young Executive’, Mr. H., a veteran, shares with a young executive officer his insights about the workplace, dishing out advice not on tricks to climb the corporate ladder, but how to buff up the basics, especially the basics of writing. The subject of this debut instalment is committee English and tool books. Alternating with ‘Letters’ is ‘Tech Talks’. Our lives are inextricably intertwined with technology, but sometimes it seems to defy understanding. The column will introduce concepts and phenomena in IT from a reader-friendly perspective. Interviews of interesting CUHK figures have been a staple of this newsletter. This tradition will be given a new look and voice by ‘Viva Voce’ which will have the added feature of videos. Now you can not only read, but watch fascinating dialogues about administrative vision and research accomplishments. Director of the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, Dr. Ralph Ip is the first interviewee to look into our video camera. The electronic version of the CUHK Newsletter features interactive elements in addition to the contents of the printed version. You are welcome to give us your feedback or provide content. Lastly, don’t forget to check out the Facebook page of its new member, ‘CUHK Trove’ to find your treasure. 目錄 Contents 大學好客之道 2 Home Away from Home 洞明集 In Plain View 4 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 5 宣布事項 Announcements 7 博文貫珍 The Galleria 8 Letters to a Young Executive 8 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 9 口談實錄 Viva Voce 10 葉偉霖博士的「一站式」研究服務宏圖(頁10) Dr. Ralph Ip on One-stop Research Services (p. 10)