Newsletter No. 446

446 • 4.11.2014 1 446 4 • 11 • 2014 大 學教師肩負傳道授業解惑的嚴肅使命,更少不了知識分子那捨我其誰的社會 責任感。在中大,有視校園為家,不以全天候待命為苦,出任舍監逾二十年, 視宿生如子女的老師;也有恒常思索何者當為,不甘於安坐冷氣房中,而帶領學生 遠赴不毛為匱乏者謀福祉的老師。本期張越華、蘇鑰機兩位資深舍監的訪問,以及 姚連生建築學教授吳恩融的就職演講,讓我們了解到為人師表的仁心。 進得大學門檻,都是眾裏挑一的精英。十三歲便考進中大的李逸說自己並不聰明,那 他何以出類拔萃?〈口談實錄〉的文本和錄像可告知一二。 The Stage推出講究「茶」與「點」配搭的下午茶。由淡趨濃,由鹹至甜,皆有學問,深 得教學餐廳之旨。 U niversity intellectuals have a solemn mission to disseminate knowledge, to instil values, to counsel, and to honour their social responsibilities. For those intellectuals residing on campus, that mission is on them 24/7. There are teachers who have been hostel wardens for over 20 years and treat the resident students as their own offspring. There are teachers who forgo the air-conditioned comfort of their offices and bring students to faraway lands to help local communities. The interviews of Prof. Cheung Yuet-wah and Prof. Clement So, and the inaugural lecture of Prof. Edward Ng, Yao Ling Sun Professor of Architecture, allow us a glimpse into the hearts of these CUHK teachers. Young people accepted for studies by universities are usually among the best in their age group. But Li Yi who was admitted to CUHK at age 13 claims he is not smart. How is that so? ‘Viva Voce’ will show you via text and video what the youngster thinks. The Stage has launched a delectable afternoon tea set with tea pairing. From weak to strong, savoury to sweet, there’s a logic to tea drinking, as it is in teaching. 目錄 Contents 家在中大 Home at CUHK 2 一個問題,多個答案 One Question, Many Answers 4 字裏科技 Tech Talks 5 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f+b 5 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 6 宣布事項 Announcements 7 口談實錄 Viva Voce 8 結廬在中大 A Thatched Hut at CUHK 未圓湖邊結起一草廬,學生紛紛到內取一方竹簡,書寫現在,寄懷未來,更為領取11月7日台灣建築師姚仁喜主講的博群大講堂—「結廬在人境」 門票。 A hut built with reed and bamboo emerged by Lake Ad Excellentiam . Students filed in to write on bamboo slips, which is the way to obtain a ticket to the lecture by the Taiwanese architect Kris Yao on 7 November. 李逸,最年輕的中大學生(頁8) Li Yi, the youngest student in CUHK (p. 8) Photo by ISO staff Photo by ISO staff