Newsletter No. 447

447 • 19.11.2014 1 447 19 • 11 • 2014 目錄 Contents 學生創業新基地 New Student Entrepreneurial Initiatives at CUHK 2 Letters to a Young Executive 3 了不起的失敗—張艾嘉談成功道上 的挫折 The Success of Failure: Sylvia Chang Shares her Stories of Defeat on the Road of Victory 4 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 5 博文貫珍 The Galleria 6 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 6 宣布事項 Announcements 7 口談實錄 Viva Voce 8 文壇巨擘的藝術人生 Arts and Life of a Literary Master 10月31日下午,逾八百位中、大學生和公眾人士擠滿大學圖書館進學園,不只為了一睹諾貝爾文學獎得主高行健博士的風采,更重要的是聆聽他的 「藝術與人生」。 In the afternoon of 31 October, the Learning Garden of the University Library was packed with over 800 secondary and university students, and members of the public who came not only to see Dr. Gao Xingjian, Nobel Laureate in Literature, but also listen to his lecture on ‘Arts and Life’. 計算機科學學生曾家俊的創業路(頁8) Tsang Ka-chun Tab on student entrepreneurship (p.8) 今 時今日,學業與事業已無必然次序,在學的不斷尋找工作機會,就業的又不 斷忙於進修。廿一歲的喬布斯在自家車房砌造出世界最早的商業化個人電 腦,成立蘋果公司的軼事,是顛覆次序的經典。 想創業的學生不可能都是喬布斯,但年輕人的夢想和雄心畢竟值得支持鼓勵。在寸 金尺土的香港,一個媲美車房的空間是最實際不過的,再加上技術和行政支援,創 意氛圍的營造,可說是幾近完美的組合—中大做到了。本期給讀者介紹促進創業的 Pi Centre,還有二年級生曾家俊的現身說法。 創業向來成少敗多,然而人生是一場長途旅行,實在無須執着目的地的景觀而錯過 了沿途風景。張艾嘉在10月底的一場講座裏,與大家分享她怎樣把失敗當作牛奶喝 進肚子裏,汲取養分。 I n this day and age, work and study no longer follow a fixed order. Students seek employment opportunities, while those in the workforce look to further their studies. Steve Jobs famously subverted the study-work order when he built the world’s first commercial PC in his home garage at 21, before going on to found Apple. Not all students wishing to start their own companies are Steve Jobs, but their dreams and ambitions are still worth supporting. In Hong Kong, where land is scarce, a space of a size comparable to Jobs’s garage, technical and administrative support, and a creative atmosphere are a dream combination for such students, a combination that has materialized at the Chinese University. This issue will introduce the Pi Centre (Pre- incubation Centre) and student entrepreneur Tsang Ka-chun will share his experience. Failures may outnumber successes along the entrepreneurial path, but life’s journey has many other scenarios in store. In a talk in late October, actress and film director Sylvia Chang talked about how she gulped down failure like a glass of milk. Photo by ISO staff