Newsletter No. 452

452 • 4.2.2015 1 452 04 • 02 • 2015 人 類義無反顧發展資訊科技,其實也把自己置於更脆弱的險境,只是我們都 樂於先享眼前利益,而忽略潛伏危機。信息工程學系劉永昌教授向我們概 述網絡安全的攻防形勢。在慶幸有專家設法把關之餘,我們是否也要重新審視對 科技的依賴? 「發展」是好是壞?「予豈好辯哉?予不得已也。」辯爭是難以避免的。中大多的是 好辯之徒,辯論傳統悠久,屢創佳績,原來有堅實後援。本期特稿細說從頭。 隊員當然知道,辯論不能抽離現實,否則只流於辯技。要深入了解我們身處的境 地,需要多角度的認知和思考。社會科學院院長趙志裕教授就談到跨學科教研如 何幫助解構複雜的社會現象。 「界定」是辯論技巧之一,但對某些事物的定義無需執著。蘭苑的咖喱好吃就夠 了,儘管知道它的正名是「馬薩拉」,也是好的。 W hen humans throw themselves into developing information technology, they also expose themselves to unprecedented risks. But often we are too engrossed in the luxuries of technology to notice the dangers. Prof. Lau Wing-cheong of the Department of Information Engineering talks to us about Internet security and cyber-attacks. While congratulating ourselves on having experts to help safeguard our security, should we also reconsider our dependence on technology? Is development a blessing or a curse? ‘Am I fond of debate? But I have no choice.’ As Mencius said, debate is inevitable when it comes to certain topics. CUHK, with its long history of debate, has its fair share of fans of the art. Behind the successes of its debate team is a unique tradition and its supporters. This issue of the Newsletter will tell you more. Experienced debaters know that good arguments are not purely dazzling speech performances, but are grounded in reality. To understand our society and place in the world, we need to think from multiple perspectives. The new Dean of Social Science, Prof. Chiu Chi-yue, shares with us how inter-disciplinary teaching and research can help explain the complexities of different social phenomena. Definitions are important in debates, but they are more relaxed in the kitchen. It is good to know that the curry served at Orchid Lodge is masala, but more importantly, that it’s delicious. 目錄 Contents 江山代有辯才出─中大的口舌傳承 CUHK Debate Team Always Passes on the Torch 2 洞明集 In Plain View 4 字裏科技 Tech Talks 5 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f+b 5 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 6 宣布事項 Announcements 7 口談實錄 Viva Voce 8 文學音樂二重奏 A Harmonious Duet 1月28日,作家黃碧雲回到母校,在新亞圓形廣場伴着溫婉低沉的巴哈無伴奏大提琴組曲,朗誦其小說《陰天,間或有陽光》。當日天氣亦如是。 On 28 January, writer Ms. Wong Bik-wan returned to her alma mater and recited one of her short stories at the New Asia Amphitheatre to Bach’s cello suites. Photo by Jenny Lau 趙志裕教授,新任社會科學院院長(頁8) Prof. Chiu Chi-yue, the new Dean of Social Science (p. 8) Photo by ISO staff