Newsletter No. 453

453 • 19.2.2015 1 453 19 • 02 • 2015 兒 時志願離不開學有所成造福人群,教育漸重社會體驗,學生報效社會的機會也 來得更早。過去兩三年,中大有十多位研究生便往聯合國組織實習,為亞太區發 展較落後的地區提升抗災能力。他們懂得審度辦公室資源,採取主動,利用虛擬地理環 境專業知識改善服務成效,並非唯命是從的見習生。有這樣的潛質,日後正式踏上事業階 梯,大抵很快便會脫離操作層面,晉升管理階層了。 中層管理是機構三文治裏豐厚的餡料。很多人說夾心階層最尷尬,權力似有實無,擔子 似輕還重。且看H君怎樣教其後輩游刃其中。 「融匯中國與西方」是中大向來秉承的價值,從中大歷史最悠久的音樂系畢業的陳慶恩校 友深得其萃,且勝在不自畫框限,譜寫新時代的華語歌劇,交出亮麗的成績表。新作公演 在即,他在百忙之中抽空接受訪問,與我們分享創作體會。 T he dream of many youths is to make a difference. As education increasingly values social experience, more opportunities are opened up for students to give back to society during their course of studies. Over 10 postgraduate students of CUHK have landed internships in United Nations agencies to help developing regions in the Asia Pacific combat natural disasters. They used their knowledge of virtual geographic environments to help the UN improve services related to natural disaster relief. With such skills and potential, it is not surprising that they should go from operation to management soon after they join the workforce. Middle management is the thick filling in the modern organizational sandwich. Some say this sizeable middle section holds no real power but is held accountable anyway. Let’s see what H has to say to the rookie about this. ‘Bringing together China and the West’ is a founding value of the University and Chan Hing- yan, alumnus of the CUHK Department of Music, knows this best, and creates Chinese operas out of the box for the modern era. On the eve of the launch of his latest musical venture, he found time to talk to us about the creative experience. 目錄 Contents 在聯合國實習的日子 Days in the UN 2 宇宙最強低碳烹飪 Low-Carbon Kungfu Cookery 4 Letters to a Young Executive 5 博文貫珍 The Galleria 5 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 6 宣布事項 Announcements 6 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 7 口談實錄 Viva Voce 8 吉羊,吉祥也 The Auspicious Ram 文物館與藝術系、中國語言及文學系合作,於2月6日至4月26日舉辦「喜氣洋洋─中國藝術與文化中的羊」展覽,展出四十餘件歷代羊文物,迎 接羊年來臨。 To greet the arrival of the Year of the Ram, the Art Museum, the Department of Fine Arts and the Department of Chinese Language and Literature host an exhibition from 6 February to 26 April to showcase some 40 ram-related cultural relics. 陳慶恩教授,歌劇《蕭紅》、《大同》作曲人(頁8) Prof. Chan Hing-yan, composer of the operas Heart of Coral and Datong, The Chinese Utopia (p. 8) Photo by ISO staff 恭賀新禧 Happy New Year 本刊下期(四五四期)將於3月19日出版。 The CUHK Newsletter will take a break and resume publication on 19 March. Photo by ISO staff