Newsletter No. 455

455 • 4.4.2015 1 455 04 • 04 • 2015 余 光中教授最近再訪中大,接受《通訊》訪問,對中大校園仍然讚不絕口,譽為寫詩 的福地。中大在沙田這山頭棲身,已近半個世紀。本刊今期特展示新近拍攝的照 片,與讀者一同從高空俯瞰校園新姿。 大學規模日大,建築群落增加,外觀改變,難免引來滄海桑田之嘆。這盡攬山水之勝的校 園,內涵是否也隨而豐盛,反更值得反思。本刊付梓之日,正是2015博群花節園遊會在未 圓湖畔舉行之時。猶幸這道秀美的人文風景,絕對是中大獨家。 今昔對比,無論孰者為優,總叫人有點唏噓。今日高度數碼化的辦公室,以不見片紙半箋 為尚,H君接到後輩交來舊函,撫今追昔之際,竟破天荒沒有在回信中寄以任何叮囑。讀 者若同此懷抱,不妨在這煙霧迷濛的暮春,執筆舒紙,重拾舊日閑情雅興,給友人親書幾 句問候之語。 T he Newsletter interviewed Prof. Yu Kwang-chung when he visited the University recently. He was full of praise for our campus, saying it most ideal for poetry writing. The Chinese University campus has occupied this hillside for half a century. This issue will show you the latest aerial pictures of our beautiful campus. As the University expands and buildings grow in number, its changing appearance makes us wonder whether the outward changes are accompanied by inward ones. Whatever the answer, it’s certainly a topic worth contemplation. The day this Newsletter was sent to the printer happened to coincide with the I • CARE Programme—Blossoms of Life Floral Festival held at Lake Ad Excellentiam . The festival features a richness of cultural and natural landscapes unique to CUHK. Whatever our views of the present compared to the past, we can’t help but noticing the passage of time. In today’s highly digitized office, pen and paper have almost vanished. H., when presented with an old document by a younger staff, waxes lyrical about the past but, atypically, does not offer any advice. If this foggy spring weather puts you in the mood, why not pick up a pen and scribble a few lines to your friends and loved ones? 目錄 Contents 鳥瞰中大校園 Seeing the Campus as Birds Do 2 夢幻王國的背後 Behind the Magic Kingdom 4 校園消息 Campus News 6 Letters to a Young Executive 7 宣布事項 Announcements 8 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 9 口談實錄 Viva Voce 10 . . . 余光中:中大是寫詩的理想地方 (頁10) Yu Kwang-chung: CUHK Conducive to Poetry Writing (p. 10) Photo by ISO staff Hola! 拉丁節奏搖動校園 Hola ! Latin Rhythms Rock Campus 拉丁美洲節於3月23日至4月1日舉行,在校園吹起熾熱的拉丁風情 Held from 23 March to 1 April, the Latin Fiesta@CUHK heats things up on campus Photo by ISO staff