Newsletter No. 463

463 • 19.9.2015 5 工程學院夏令營 Engineering Summer Camp 「中大工程學院夏令營」於7月22至24日舉行,來自三十多所本地中學的六十多位學生參與,入住晨興書院宿舍,體驗 大學校園生活。 為期三天的夏令營以「學習工程知識、激發創意 思維」為題,活動包括機械編程工作坊、參觀實 驗室、工程學課程講座、校園生態遊、與工程教 授對話、參觀科學園及傑出校友分享會等。學生 每兩人為一組,運用於營內所學的編程知識和 設計技巧,親自製作機械自動車,在營期最後一 天,參與速度及造型設計比賽。 A three-day ‘CUHK Engineering Summer Camp 2015’ drew over 60 students from over 30 local secondary schools from 22 to 24 July. By staying in a student hostel at Morningside College, the participants got a taste of university life on CUHK campus. The camp was aimed at empowering students through a series of engineering-related activities, including workshops on engineering design and programming, a lab tour, a programme information session, an eco-campus tour, dialogue sessions with engineering teachers, a visit to the Hong Kong Science Park, and sharing sessions by outstanding alumni. Divided into groups of two, the participants used the programming and design skills they acquired from the workshops to build mechanical and automatic cars for a competition on the last day of the camp. 勞工、流動與發展」國際研討會 International Conference on ‘Labour, Mobility and Development’ 中大社會學系珠三角社會研究中心、中國研究服務中心,以及中山大學社會學與人類學學院社會學與社會工作系 於6月5至7日合辦「勞工、流動與發展:珠三角及中國其他地區」國際研討會。 本次會議邀請了六位主題演講嘉賓:加州大學柏克萊分校社會學系教授Thomas B. Gold、多倫多大學社會學系教授 方偉晶、中國社會科學院社會學研究所社會心理學研究室主任王俊秀、香港浸會大學社會學系教授齊傑、中山大學 社會學與人類學學院教授蔡禾,以及中大社會學系教授蔡玉萍。研討會吸引逾百名學者參加,發表論文共四十篇。 The Pearl River Delta Social Research Centre of the Department of Sociology co-organised the international conference ‘Labour, Mobility and Development in PRD and Beyond’ with the Department of Sociology and Social Work of the Sun Yat-sen University and the Universities Service Centre for China Studies, CUHK from 5 to 7 June. A number of distinguished scholars delivered keynote speeches at the conference. They were Prof. Thomas B. Gold from the University of California, Berkeley; Prof. Eric Fong from the University of Toronto; Prof. Wang Junxiu from the Department of Social Psychology, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Prof. Jack Barbalet from the Department of Sociology at Hong Kong Baptist University; Prof. Cai He from the School of Sociology and Anthropology at Sun Yat-sen University; and Prof. Choi Yuk-ping Susanne from the CUHK Department of Sociology. The conference attracted over 100 participants. A total of 40 papers were presented. 商學院義工探訪護老院 Business School Alumni Visit Care Home for the Elderly 商學院校友及企業事務辦公室在8月22日帶領二十五位商學院 校友義工,到訪位於西貢的伸手助人協會樟木頭畢尚華神父護 老頤養院,與須坐輪椅的院友共度溫馨的暖日週末。 校友義工首先接這些長者到戶外花園,並閒談分享生活美事。 然後,大伙兒聚集到禮堂玩遊戲、合作做手工,製作可愛的鏡 架。接着一同享用豐富的自助茶點,各校友還向長者贈送悉心 選備的小禮物。 Led by the CUHK Business School’s Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office, 25 alumni volunteers visited the Helping Hand’s Father Sean Burke Care Home for the Elderly in Sai Kung on 22 August, spending a cheerful and warm weekend with some wheelchair-bound residents of the care home. Upon arrival, the volunteers accompanied these residents to the care home’s garden for a breath of fresh air and a cosy chat. This was followed by an array of interesting games and activities in the hall of the institution, including a mirror decoration workshop. To round off the fun-filled visit, the volunteers presented the residents with gifts they thoughtfully prepared for the special occasion, before sitting down to a sumptuous tea buffet. 第六屆孔子行腳活動 Education Students Volunteer to Teach in Taiwan 五名教育學院本科課程學生在7月8至20日參加國立台灣師範 大學主辦的「第六屆孔子行腳活動」,與來自大陸、台灣及港 澳二十多所大學的三百名學生,一起到台灣偏遠的鄉村學校義 教,服務弱勢孩童。 Five undergraduate students of the Faculty of Education participated in the summer volunteer programme organized by the National Taiwan Normal University from 8 to 20 July. They joined some 300 students of over 20 universities from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau to teach the underprivileged children in schools in rural Taiwan. 校園消息 Campus News 「