Newsletter No. 469/470

469/470 • 19.12.2015 1 469/470 編見 《聖誕頌歌》之所以歷久不衰,不只是因為狄更斯偉大,也不是十九世紀初葉聖誕逐漸發展成為 我們今天熟知的文化傳統。史古基的頓悟與蛻變,跨時空跨文化都發人深省。中大也不乏發人深 省的好人好事,佳節快臨,讓我們聽聽郭綺光女士的故事。她長久以來以獎學金形式支持我們的 學生,今期我們見到她喜逢幾位不同年代但均受益於她設立的獎學金的同學。 親友佳節歡聚,少不免開懷大嚼,也少不免要腸胃加班。胡志遠教授領導的中大醫學研究團隊,在 應用「腸道微生物移植」技術治療嚴重腸感染方面取得重大突破。一新讀者耳目的,是別人肚裡 的益菌可以令我們重拾內部生態的平衡,以及胡教授他們治學及研究的嚴謹。 同樣嚴謹有方的還有保安及交通事務處處長李永光先生。他到任才半年多,已經走遍校園大部分 角落幽徑,只為了更有效地令我們工作及學習其上的校園更安全、更便捷。畢業禮、校友日等大型 活動剛過,李先生終於有空和我們談了一席話。 Editorially Speaking The enduring appeal of A Christmas Carol cannot be explained simply by Dickens’s genius or the development of Christmas by the early nineteenth century into the cultural institution as we know it today. There is something inspiringly humane in Scrooge’s revelations and reformation. On our campus, there is no shortage of tales of inspiring philanthropy. In this holiday issue we meet one of our longtime benefactors Ms. Ruth Kuok who spent some merry time with three present and former students who got a little help from her scholarships. Overburdening one’s digestive system is a common side-effect of festive feastings in the developed world. At CUHK, the team of medical researchers led by Prof. Justin Wu are making significant progress in the use of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation to treat serious enteric infections. Readers are introduced to the theory of restoring the ecology within our guts with the introduction of good bacteria from others and the meticulous procedures of ensuring that happens. Equally meticulous and organized is the person whose job it is to make sure that our campus is safe and convenient to the population thereon. Mr. Simon Lee, Director of Security and Transport, may be new in town, but within six months he has covered most corners and tracks on campus. After the busy month of congregations and alumni homecoming, Mr. Lee finally had time to speak to ‘Viva Voce’. 19 • 12 • 2015 目錄 CONTENTS 2 洞明集 In Plain View 從貧瘠到肥沃─移植人體花 園的土壤 May Your Flora Flourish in My Inner Garden 4 好人好事 Fine Folks Fine Deeds 有一種感染名叫善行 Fine Deeds Are Contagious 6 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 10 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 11 字裏高科 Tech Talks 11 寶健保健 Wealth In Health 12 口談實錄 Viva Voce Photo by ISO staff 香港國際詩歌之夜2015 (頁10) International Poetry Nights 2015 ( p. 10 ) 摩洛哥詩人穆罕默德 ・ 貝尼斯朗讀其詩作 Poet Mohammed Bennis of Morocco reading 走遍校園每個角落 (頁12) Knowing the Campus Inside Out ( p. 12 ) 攝影:黃振強 Photo by Dennis Wong