Newsletter No. 474

The 2016 Kinoshita Lecture was presented by Pritzker Prize winning architect Thom Mayne on 18 February at CUHK. Mayne is the founder and design director of Morphosis Architects in Los Angeles. He is also Distinguished Professor of Architecture at UCLA and founding director of their NOW Institute, an urban planning and design research centre. The lecture has attracted a full house of 600 audience members, including students and teachers, as well as professional architects and CUHK alumni. The lecture was dedicated to a series of key projects throughout the architect’s forty years of practice. From his early timber ‘box’ house in California, to his recently celebrated public projects in the US and around the world. The presentation highlighted several topics ranging from the relationship between natural landscape and buildings, to the role of digital technologies in designing buildings with a high level of environmental performance. Kinoshita建築講座今年邀得普利茲克 建築獎得主、美國建築師Thom Mayne 於2月18日蒞臨中大演講。Thom Mayne為 美國洛杉磯著名建築事務所Morphosis Architects創辦人及設計總監,亦為加州 大學洛杉磯分校特聘教授。他創立該校 NOW研究所並擔任所長,研究城市規劃 及設計。是次講座迎來逾六百名師生、校 友,以及建築界專業人士到場。 ThomMayne詳細介紹他四十多年創作生 涯中幾個重要項目,包括早年於加州的木 盒子小屋到近年於美國及世界各地的獲 獎作品,又闡述建築與自然景觀的關係, 以及數碼科技在設計環保建築的角色。 「2016 Kinoshita 建築講座」 Thom Mayne Speaks at the 2016 Kinoshita Lecture in Architecture 嶺藝會會長伍月柳教授( 左三 )聯同其 子、中大醫學院助理院長趙偉仁教授 ( 右二 )於3月2至24日假善衡書院陳 震夏館地下展覽廊舉行「嶺南意境— 伍月柳、趙偉仁教授國畫聯展」。是次展 覽作品合共超過五十幅,陳列兩位教授 精選作品,以及嶺藝會成員的畫作,更 展出早前跟隨伍教授往國內寫生的善衡 書院和基督教正生書院學生的畫作,包 括來自國外的交換生在伍教授指導下, 以水墨描繪中國山水意境的作品,充分 呈現國畫藝術的傳承和交流。善衡書院 院長辛世文教授( 右三 )感謝伍教授透 過寫生之旅培養學生敏銳的觀測力和創 新思維,讓他們體會藝術創作的精粹與 樂趣。 嶺南派畫家伍月柳與趙偉仁國畫聯展 Lingnan School Painting Exhibition 中大獲國家教育部批准,與暨南大學聯合成立再生醫學教育部重 點實驗室(香港中文大學—暨南大學),建設國家科研合作新平 台。實驗室將致力發展人體組織和器官的再生技術,以促進人類 健康。 實驗室於2月29日舉行揭幕典禮,由國務院僑辦文化司司長雷振 剛先生( 左四 )、暨南大學校長胡軍教授( 左三 )、中聯辦教育科技 部副巡視員劉志明先生( 右三 )聯同校長沈祖堯教授( 右四 )一起 主持。 With the approval of the Ministry of Education (MOE), CUHK has joined hands with Jinan University to establish the MOE Key Laboratory of Regenerative Medicine (The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Jinan University). The joint laboratory aims to develop various innovative techniques for regenerating tissues and organs, which will contribute to the betterment of human health. A plaque-unveiling ceremony of the laboratory was held at CUHK on 29 February. Officiating at the ceremony included Mr. Lei Zhengang ( 4th left ), Director of the Department of Cultural Affairs, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council; Prof. Hu Jun ( 3rd left ), President of Jinan University; Mr. Liu Zhiming ( 3rd right ), Deputy Inspector of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR; and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 4th right ), Vice-Chancellor. 再生醫學教育部重點實驗室 MOE Key Laboratory of Regenerative Medicine 校園消息 Campus News Prof. Ng Yuet-lau ( 3rd left ), President of the Ling Ngai Art Association, joined hands with her son Prof. Philip Chiu ( 2nd right ), Assistant Dean, Faculty of Medicine, to organize an art exhibition entitled ‘Lingnan Images— Paintings by Prof. Ng Yuet-lau and Prof. Philip Chiu’ at the Exhibition Gallery of Chan Chun Ha Hall, S.H. Ho College. The exhibition presents more than 50 pieces of Lingnan School paintings by both professors, as well as those painted by members of Ling Ngai Art Association. It also features the artwork of students from S.H. Ho College and Christian Zheng Sheng College, who have recently participated in a Chinese watercolour study tour with Professor Ng in mainland China, including a Chinese ink painting by a foreign exchange student. Prof. Samuel Sun Sai-ming ( 3rd right ), Master of S.H. Ho College, thanked Professor Ng for teaching students the skills and aesthetics of Chinese art. Through the exhibition of artwork by the artists and the students, the event aims to promote the exchange, appreciation, and learning of Chinese watercolour painting. 6 474 • 19.3.2016