Newsletter No. 477

4 477 • 4.5.2016 財金淺趣 Financial ly Friendly 說東道西 同級不同酬 50 Shades of Grade A 一般人置業都會把樓宇按給銀行,但相信很多人不知道自己 的物業會成為一個複雜且充滿風險的投資計劃的棋子。 不論按揭是優質還是次級,銀行會把手上的按揭轉售給投 資銀行,為的是有現金到手和轉嫁風險( 圖一 )。投資銀行會 把次按包裝成次按債券出售( 圖二 )。 投行把次按債券分成不同部分交評級機構評級,其中最優質 的部分會被評為AAA級,雖然本質仍為次按。次級的會被評 為BBB,最差的CCC( 圖三 )。債券的收入來自按揭還款,首 先用來向AAA債券投資者發放息票。支付息票之後倘有餘 額,BBB債券投資者才可獲發息票,如此類推,CCC債券投 資者排到最後。 次按債券中獲評AAA的部分,會打正AAA優質旗號推銷給 投資者( 圖四 ),當中不少人會單看評級便購入,而忽略了買入 的雖然有AAA標籤,但本質上仍是次按。 投行物盡其用,把獲BBB評級的次按債券部分,包裝成債務 擔保證券(CDO),並將之分成不同部分交評級機構評級。當 中獲AAA的會打正AAA標籤推銷。投資者很易以為買入的 是AAA級的產品,而忽略了產品本身其實屬於質素較次的 次按債券的BBB部分( 圖五 )。 如此這般,上述的投資計劃點石成金,次按變成次按債券,其 中相對優質的取得AAA光環升值。次級的BBB也借CDO還 魂,孕育出自己的三甲品牌。甲級認證充塞市場,但光環下面 的回報與風險則大相逕庭,直接導致2008年的次按危機。 Most homeowners are also mortgagors. But few realize their properties would change hands a few times in some investment schemes of dwindling quality and spiraling risk. Mortgagee banks would sell their mortgages, prime or subprime, to investment banks in return for instant cash and shifting the risk of default ( Figure 1 ). Investment banks would package the subprime mortgages into a subprime bond ( Figure 2 ). The investment banks will divide the subprime bond into different tranches and submit the tranches for rating by rating agencies. The better lot of these tranches, despite their subprime quality, would be rated ‘AAA’. The not-so- good is given ‘BBB’; the worst ‘CCC’ ( Figure 3 ). The bond will receive income from the mortgage payments and pay out coupons to the bond investors. Note, however, that the income from mortgage payments will be used to pay up the ‘AAA’ bond investors first. The ‘BBB’ bond investors will get something, if at all, when there’s leftover. The ‘CCC’ investors stand in an even lower priority than the ‘BBB’ investors. The tranches of the subprime bond that get an ‘AAA’ rating would be presented as such and sold to investors ( Figure 4 ). Not a small number of the buyers would rely on the rating in their investment decision rather than looking closely at the composition and quality of the bond. It is all too easy to overlook the fact that an ‘AAA’ of a subprime bond is equal to the same rating of a prime asset in the three letters only. The process is repeated with the tranches of BBB-rated bonds which are packaged as a Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO). The resulting CDO is similarly divided into different tranches and submitted for rating. Those tranches getting ‘AAA’ would be presented as such and sold to investors, who may again overlook the fact that though further down the quality ladder, what they have bought are ‘AAA’ in name only but in fact ‘BBB’ tranches of the lower quality mortgages ( Figure 5 ). The above illustrates the machinery by which lead is turned into gold in the market of investment tools. Subprime mortgages are turned into subprime bonds with the best part rated as AAA bonds. The not-so-good BBB- rated subprime bonds are turned into CDO with the best part given an AAA label. The A grades on one level are, in terms of returns and risks, not the same thing as those on the next level. This one-name-for-all underlined what eventually led to the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008. 火有文武 湯有長短 舞者出身的中國脫口秀主持人 金星 曾在節目裏打趣,「廣州 是全中國舞蹈員最討厭的一個城市」,皆因粵菜實在好吃,令 人體重增加。「關鍵是還有湯哦—花生煲雞腳湯啦,青紅蘿 蔔煲排骨湯啦……」,聽她如數家珍,那個「煲」字,用普通話 唸出來,特別逗趣。煲(老火)湯在廣東以外地區並不常見, 《新華字典》列「煲」為方言,指「壁較陡直的鍋」,用作動詞 則是「用煲煮或熬」。 廣東人對湯有自豪的講究,煲是煲,滾是滾,燉是燉,不容混 淆。一碗老火熬製的「靚」湯,背後是短則兩三長則四五個 小時、先武火後文火的耐性,代表家的溫暖和幸福。自家製 的滾湯,材料放進沸水中,幾下翻騰,豬肝粉嫩,枸杞翠綠, 豆腐滑溜,新鮮滾燙,充滿能量,也就是一鍋舒心甘霖。西菜 譜亦有quick soup,但純粹指準備時間短,並無用沸水把材 料快速燙熟之意。且外國人對罐頭接受力特強,很多快湯是 教人用罐頭高湯作底,加上罐頭番茄以及其他快熟作料,例 如洋薏米、切碎的紅蘿蔔、椰菜花,甚至墨西哥玉米片也有。 對老火湯有情意結而又未能親自上灶的婦女,交代外傭煲湯 時,往往會說明是long-hour soup。這或許未算是一個正式 譯名,但已散見於不少旅遊達人的部落格。 原來湯還真有長短之分,在澳洲,非華人到了唐人街的食店, 會得叫一個long soup或short soup嚐嚐。前者指湯裏有 麵條,後者是湯裏有餛飩。澳洲國立辭書中心(Australian National Dictionary Centre)研究員 Julia Robinson 曾在 該中心出版的2015年10月號通訊 Ozwords 發文,題為 ‘ The Long and the Short of It ’ ,一論長短。她爬梳故紙,發現這 種叫法由來已久,報章和法庭文件都有記載。在1850年代, 墨爾本唐人街(Little Bourke Street,當地人稱「小卜街」)已 在賣long soup。踏進1880年代,short soup也嶄露頭角。到 了二十世紀初,這一長一短已漸為非華人所熟悉,視為典型 的中國食物了。 至今出版逾四千期的婦女刊物 The Australian Women's Weekly ,勾畫了澳洲人八十多年的生活面貌。該刊1969年 5月14日號有一篇專訪 ‘ Food that's Top with Pop Groups ’ , 當中好幾位樂手都是short soup的捧場客。在此之前,該周 刊已登過long soup食譜,用料是清雞湯、米粉和紅乾蔥。 1970年出版的 Australian Women's Weekly Cookbook ,澳洲 婦女奉為經典,亦收有Chinese long soup,材料是清雞湯、 蛋麵、瘦豬肉、紅乾蔥、白菜和豉油。 Julia Robinson不厭其煩推敲這「長」與「短」的來由,她認 為「長」容易理解,因為麵條就是長長的,可是「短」的又短 在哪兒?餛飩當然不長,可那扁扁平平兩塊麵皮包着餡兒, 也與短扯不上關係。她再追本溯源,十九世紀到澳洲的華人 多來自中國南方沿海省份,如廣東和福建,而福建閩南地區 有一種類似餛飩和餃子的食物,叫做扁食湯,可這詞兒也跟 短無關。所以她認為short soup並非一個翻譯詞,而是為了 把餛飩湯從長麵條湯區別開來而衍生的一個詞,其意義就是 「不是long soup」,本身並無描述之意。 在今日澳洲一般中國餐館或外賣店的餐單上,long soup和 short soup這長短兄弟是必備的角色。在英美,則多以noodle soup和wonton soup名之。很多食譜網站,如Allrecipes、 Yummly、Cooks、Taste,都教人煮長湯短湯。看着那些圖 片,硬是覺得還差那麼一點點,不夠地道;就像華僑在海 外落地生根,經過好幾代生下的孩子一樣,雖是黑眼睛黑 頭髮黃皮膚,總帶點洋氣。其實這些飄洋過海落在唐人街 的僑食,早有了新面目,甚至還改名換姓了,我們又何須 執着。 Subprime Mortgage Subprime Mortgage Subprime Mortgage Mortgages Mortgages $$ $$ Bank B Bank A AAA AAA AAA BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB CCC CCC CCC Investment Bank Subprime Bond AAA bond investor AAA CDO investor 圖一 Figure 1 圖 二 Figure 2 圖 三 Figure 3 圖 四 Figure 4 圖 五 Figure 5 Subprime Bond Subprime bond Subprime bond BBB tranches CDO Subprime bond