Newsletter No. 477

6 477 • 4.5.2016 三傑出學者獲裘槎優秀及前瞻科研大獎 Three CUHK Academics Receive Croucher Senior Research Fellowships and Innovation Award 卓敏化學病理學教授趙慧君教授( 左三 )、內科及藥物治療學系教授于君教授( 右三 ) 及電子工程學系蔡宗衡教授( 左二 )分別獲頒授裘槎基金會2016年度「優秀醫學科研者 獎」、「優秀科研者獎」及「前瞻科研大獎」,以表彰他們卓越的科研成就。 趙慧君教授利用DNA測序技術分析孕婦的血液樣本,檢測胎兒是否患有唐氏綜合症, 開無創性產前檢查之先河。于君教授專研非酒精脂肪肝的發病機制,期以開發預防和治 療方法。蔡宗衡教授是「前瞻科研大獎」自2012年設立以來,中大首位得主。他專研納 米粒子與器官、組織、細胞以及細胞器的相互作用,有助制訂有用的「設計規則」來設 計更有效用的治療型納米粒子,可以更準確地輸送至體內的目標位置。蔡教授早前成 功發現一種納米粒子與腎之間產生的「生物納米」相互作用(Choi CHJ et al. PNAS, 2011), 將有助於發展針對腎的納米粒子輸送技術。 Prof. Rossa Chiu ( 3rd left ), Choh Ming-Li Professor of Chemical Pathology; Prof. Jun Yu ( 3rd right ), Professor of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics; and Prof. Choi Chung-hang Jonathan ( 2nd left ) of the Department of Electronic Engineering; were presented with the Croucher Senior Medical Research Fellowship, the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship and the Croucher Innovation Award, respectively, by the Croucher Foundation in recognition of their excellent scientific research achievements. Professor Chiu is known for her contributions in the successful development of non- invasive prenatal testing for Down syndrome and other fetal diseases by maternal blood analysis. With a research focus on the pathogenetic mechanisms of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Professor Yu hopes to find out the preventative and curative treatments. Professor Choi is the first recipient from CUHK since the inauguration of the Croucher Innovation Award in 2012. He specializes in the interactions of nanoparticles with the body across the length scales of organ, tissue, cell, and organelle. His mechanistic research will inform useful ‘design rules’ for building more potent therapeutic nanoparticles. He previously reported novel ‘bio-nano’ interactions between nanoparticles and the kidney (Choi CHJ et al. PNAS, 2011), which will aid the development of new delivery strategies to the kidney. 校園消息 Campus News 活木球隊四連霸 Woodball Team Champions for Fourth Year in a Row 書法遇上舞蹈 When Impromptu Dance Meets Calligraphy 中大活木球隊於3月21及22日的香港大專活木球比賽中,成功衞冕女子團體冠軍,男子隊 亦取得亞軍,連續四年奪得全場總冠軍。 比賽在中大夏鼎基運動場舉行,球員須於兩天內完成共六小時的賽事。中大隊在個人賽事 亦有佳績,體育運動科學系四年級及三年級的蔡利利和幸卓思分別獲得女子個人第一及第 三名,而男子組個人冠軍則由該系一年級的梁康宜奪得。 The CUHK Women’s Woodball Team defended its champion title and the men’s team seized the first runner-up in the USFHK Woodball Competition, held on 21 and 22 March, and walked away with the overall championship for the fourth consecutive year. Held in Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field of CUHK, the athletes needed to play games for six hours within two days. CUHK athletes also shone in individual events. Three students of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, namely, Tsoi Lee-lee (Year 4), Heng Cheuk-sze (Year 3), and Leung Hong-yee (Year 1) were the champion and second runner-up in women's competition, and the champion in men’s competition, respectively. 旅居阿姆斯特丹的校友陳耐持( 左 )與荷蘭藝術家Mark van Praagh( 中 )和 Sarah van Praagh( 右 )在4月16日為中大和公眾帶來了優美的律動—「線舞:中西書法與舞蹈的完美 邂逅」。陳耐持的行草、Mark的自創書法,隨着簡約音樂流瀉揮灑,Sarah亦隨而手之舞之 足之蹈之,即興互動,漸漸分不清筆墨與舞姿,孰為先後。 同場還展出陳耐持的千米狂草,內含她小時在港上學背誦的五十四首古詩,歡迎觀眾親近 接觸。這場文化饗宴是荷蘭駐港領事館舉辦的「荷蘭日」活動之一。 CUHK alumna Loi Che Rakhorst-Chan ( left ), artists Mark van Praagh ( centre ) and Sarah van Praagh ( right) , all based in the Netherlands, presented a rhythmic performance on campus on 16 April to CUHK members and the public—‘Dancing Lines: An Encounter of East and West Calligraphy with Dance’. Loi Che and Mark responded to minimal music with cursive and free-style calligraphy, respectively, while Sarah observed and echoed by her improvised body movements, demonstrating the form, expression, and tempo of the emerging characters, and inspiring the calligraphists reciprocally. On exhibition was a 1,000-metre Chinese calligraphy written in the wild cursive style by Loi Che, which contained 54 Chinese classical poems that she had learned by heart as a school child in Hong Kong. ‘Dancing Lines’ was one of the events of ‘Dutch Days in Hong Kong’ organized by the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. 宣布事項 Announcements 續任校董 Reappointed Council Members • 崇基學院及聯合書院校董會依據《香港中文大學條例》(大學條例)規程11第1(e)段、第 4段及第5段規定,分別選出李國星先生及張煊昌博士,續任大學校董,任期均為三年,生 效日期分別為2016年2月11日和3月16日。 • Mr. Aubrey K.S. Li and Dr. Thomas H.C. Cheung have been re-elected by the Boards of Trustees of Chung Chi College and United College, respectively, in accordance with Statute 11.1(e), 11.4 and 11.5 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (the Ordinance), as members of the Council each for a further period of three years, with effect from 11 February and 16 March 2016. • 方永平教授獲崇基學院院務委員會再度推選,依據大學條例規程11第1(h)段、第4段及第 5段,及規程16第6(a)段規定,於其現屆任期在2016年4月22日屆滿後續任大學校董,任 期三年,由2016年4月23日起生效。 • Prof. Fong Wing-ping has been re-elected by the Assembly of Fellows of Chung Chi College, in accordance with Statutes 11.4, 11.5 and 16.6(a) of the Ordinance, as a member of the Council under Statute 11.1(h) for a further period of three years from 23 April 2016.