Newsletter No. 483

中大的新生共二十六名,他們分別在田徑、游泳、手球、划艇、空手道、排球、乒乓球、劍擊、網 球及柔道等運動表現傑出,其中兩人為港隊代表,十九人是青年軍,另七人為學界體育聯會 精英。 至於通過非聯招計劃入讀的本地高才生有約五百名,另外有約五百七十名非本地本科新生, 他們在國際或當地認可考試中取得優異成績,包括在IB、GCE A-Level及大馬高級學校文憑 試考獲滿分的考生。非本地生除來自內地三十一省市、澳門及台灣外,還有加拿大、德國、印 度、印尼、義大利、日本、哈薩克斯坦、吉爾吉斯、馬來西亞、巴基斯坦、巴勒斯坦、波蘭、葡 萄牙、南韓、斯里蘭卡、英國、美國及津巴布韋。透過內地全國統一招生計劃錄取的內地高 考生,高考成績在所屬省市皆名列前茅,與當地重點大學的錄取分數線(簡稱一本線)比較, 在福建、貴州、陝西、新疆、黑龍江等十個省份的理科錄取平均分高於一本線百分之四十或以 上。今年中大也錄取了十五名少數民族考生,學生的多元背景,豐富了校園的文化面貌。 W hen you hear voices and laughter starting to fill every corner on campus, you know the new school year is just around the corner. Orientations for new students in various sizes and shapes had begun in August, culminating on the Joint College Activity on 31 August. Over 2,000 new members of the University community marched from their respective Colleges to converge on the University Mall and then joined hands to form the gigantic symbol ’16 CU’ and some heart-shaped patterns. The grandiosity of the occasion can only be fully appreciated from a view at the top, a collective testimony to the solidarity of CUHK’s collegiate identity. The event was as fun-filled as it was spectacular. At the Inauguration Ceremony on 5 September, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung extended a warm welcome to the new local and international students. He exhorted the students to make the most of their university education and college life. He suggested that they should at least learn a few things: to learn who they are; to learn what the world actually needs; and to learn how to work with others. By keeping tab of what they have started out to accomplish, the students can broaden their horizon and turn the next few years, to some the last phase of their formal education, into life-transforming moments that fulfill their potentials. In the 2016—17 academic year, CUHK has admitted around 3,910 Year One undergraduates and around 2,840 of them are enrolled through the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS). Among all JUPAS students, 99.5% of them have made CUHK their Band A choices. CUHK has an impressive intake this year and admitted 35% of the students who achieved Level 5** in at least one subject in HKDSE. There is a wealth of young talents among the newly admitted students. Among them are 10 students who are awarded the 2nd ‘Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship’ and are offered sponsorships for their full tuition fee. The Scholarship is offered by the Home Affairs Bureau to around 20 HKDSE candidates of remarkable achievements in areas such as sports, arts or community services and fulfilled the basic requirements for undergraduate studies. Twenty six students have been admitted to CUHK through the ‘Sports Scholarship Scheme’ with their outstanding performances in sports such as athletics, swimming, handball, rowing, karate, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, tennis and judo. Two of them play for the Hong Kong representative teams, 19 are army cadets, and seven of them are elite members of the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation. The University has admitted around 500 and 570 local and non-local elites respectively through the Non-JUPAS Admissions Scheme. Many of them achieved exceptional results in internationally/locally recognized examinations, including top scorers of IB, GCE A-Level, and Malaysia STPM. Besides the 31 mainland provinces and municipalities, Macau, and Taiwan, CUHK has admitted students from a diverse range of background, including Canada, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, the US, and Zimbabwe. As for the mainland students admitted via the Unified Colleges and Universities Enrollment System from 10 provinces such as Fujian, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, and Heilongjiang etc., the average score of science students is 40% above the admission score of the local top universities. Fifteen students coming from different ethnic minorities also join the CUHK community, enriching the multicultural learning environment on campus. 於中學文憑試考獲七科5**佳績的的房穎儀選擇在中大修讀藥 劑學。她因自幼患濕疹服用過不同藥物,引發對藥劑學的興趣。 Winnie Fong, who attained excellent results with 5** in seven subjects in the HKDSE, is admitted to Pharmacy. She suffered from eczema since she was a small child and had tried different medications, which in turn aroused her interest in pharmacy. 來自西北新疆維吾爾自治區的張銘洲,以克拉瑪依市第一名的成績,考 入工商管理學士綜合課程。他十分嚮往在香港這個充滿活力的大都會 讀書和生活。 Zhang Mingzhou is from Kelamayi, a north-western border city of Xinjiang. He is the top scorer in the city and looks forward to exploring his tertiary education in a metropolitan city. His major programme is Integrated BBA. 以六科45滿分成為IB狀元的梁碩鳴,受2008年全球金融危機所啟發, 自此關注環球經濟議題。他在中大修讀環球商業課程。 With an IB score of 45, top scorer Leung Shek-ming was inspired by the financial crisis in 2008 to learn more about international business issues. He is admitted to Global Business Studies. 來自德國的Robin早於中學時已來港作交換生,他選擇在中大修 讀自小已有興趣的建築系,並期望在此學習中國語言與文化。 Robin Albrecht had been to Hong Kong for an exchange during secondary school and is admitted to Architecture. He also looks forward to learning Chinese language and culture at CUHK. 獲政府自資專上教育基金頒發獎學金的戴靖有非一般的求學 路。本在美國讀書的戴靖,因患上癌症回港治病,以致求學路 中斷。在治病期間,他重拾書本,更珍惜學習機會,修讀副學士 課程,終以優異成績完成副學位,入讀中大英文系三年級。 A recipient of the scholarship offered by the Government’s Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund, Tai Ching had a bumpy road to studies. He was diagnosed with cancer when he was studying for his undergraduate degree in the US and had to return to Hong Kong for medical treatment. He grasped every opportunity to continue his studies and completed his Associate Degree with excellent academic results. He is now a Year 3 student in the English Department. 來自哈薩克斯坦的Camilla獲中大工程學院錄取,她期待運用中大提供 的高端科研設備及世界頂尖技術,創作出更智能及創新的設計。 Camilla Sadyrova from Kazakhstan is admitted to the Faculty of Engineering. She hopes to create smarter and more innovative designs with the high-end research equipment and globally leading expertise provided by CUHK. Camilla Sadyrova Robin Albrecht 張銘洲 Zhang Mingzhou 戴靖 Tai Ching 梁碩鳴 Leung Shek-ming 房穎儀 Winnie Fong 本地生 Local Students 非本地生 Non-local Students 04 # 4 8 3 | 1 9 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 6 Photo by CPRO Staff