Newsletter No. 488

04 # 4 8 8 | 0 4 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 6 第八十一屆頒授學位典禮 81st Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 香 港中文大學於11月17日舉行第八十一 屆大會,由大學校董會主席梁乃鵬博 士主禮並頒授四千零二十九個學士及五千五百 九十三個碩士學位,並由校長沈祖堯教授頒發 傑出教學及研究獎。 沈校長在典禮上向學生送上祝賀,希望年 輕人能虛懷若谷,懂得聆聽和尊重不同的見 解;能透過創意和發明改善人類生活,並保 護自然資源和生態;能傳承中國文化,融匯中 國與西方。沈校長並引用美國知名教育家及 科學家James Byrant Conant的名言:「當你 把所學過的東西都忘掉,剩下來的才是我的 教育。」勸勉大家珍惜並運用在中大學過的 一點一滴,為自己、社會以至國家作出貢獻。 最後,沈校長以「我們只活一次,所以要活 得不枉此生」作結,向2016年度畢業生送上 祝福。 T he Chinese University of Hong Kong held its 81st Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 17 November. Dr. Norman N.P. Leung, Chairman of the Council, conferred 4,029 bachelor’s and 5,593 master’s degrees. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President, presented awards for teaching and research excellence. Prof. Joseph Sung sent his heartfelt congratulations to all graduates at the congregation. He hoped that graduates could be humble and respect different opinions; make the world a better place through creativity and innovations and conserve natural resources and the ecosystem; and pass the torch of Chinese culture and make the Western world know about us. Prof. Sung urged young people to value and utilize what they have learnt at the University and contribute to themselves, societies and the world. He also shared a quote from renowned American educator and scientist, James Byrant Conant, that ‘Education is what is left in your life after all that has been learnt is forgotten’. Prof. Sung sent his blessings to all graduates of 2016 and reminded them that ‘we only live once, make it count’. 2016年度博文教學獎 University Education Award 2016 • 大學通識教育部團隊(梁美儀教授、趙茱莉博士 及王永雄博士) University General Education Programme team (Prof. Leung Mei-yee, Dr. Chiu Chu-lee Julie and Dr. Wong Wing-hung) 梁、趙、王三人致力推動通識教育基礎課程,其中 「與人文對話」和「與自然對話」兩個核心課程 更是全校本科生的必修科目。課程要求學生閱讀 跨學科及跨文化的經典選篇,反思當中價值及道 德問題,擴濶學生視野及知識。 Leung, Chiu and Wong successfully implemented the General Education Foundation Programme, which includes two common-core courses, ‘In Dialogue with Humanity’ and ‘In Dialogue with Nature’. The programme exposes students to a selection of classics across cultures and disciplines, which encourages students to reflect on their values and moral implications and broaden students’ horizons and knowledge bases. • 醫學院那打素護理學院團隊(陳葉詠嫻教授、 車錫英教授、周嘉明教授及黃祖莉博士) The Nethersole School of Nursing team (Prof. Chan Yip Wing-han Carmen, Prof. Chair Sek-ying, Prof. Chow Ka-ming and Dr. Wong Cho-lee Jo Jo) 過去十年,陳教授及其團隊推行多項創新的教學 法,培育新一代護士具備所需的專業特質與實踐 智慧。他們的卓越表現,有助學院在2016年高等 教育諮詢機構QS世界大學護理學科排行榜中取 得香港第一及亞洲第二的佳績。 Professor Chan and her team have initiated many innovative teaching strategies to nurture the next generation of nurses to acquire essential attributes and practical intelligence for the profession. Their excellent collaborative work has contributed to the success of the School in being ranked as No. 1 in Hong Kong and No. 2 in Asia in the QS World University Rankings 2016 for the subject of Nursing. • 工程學院機械與自動化工程學系盧怡君教授 Prof. Lu Yi-chun, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering 盧教授相信有效的教與學必須以人為主,以學習 者為中心,珍惜每一個學生的獨特性。她不斷自 省,時常尋覓更好的方法來激勵學生發揮自己獨 特的創意。 Professor Lu believes that effective teaching comes from people-based and learner-centred interactions with a key spirit to treasure each student’s individuality. Through her teaching, she pledges to provide a warm and cultivating environment where all students, regardless of their backgrounds, can find their own unique ways to grow and shine. 2015年度校長模範教學獎 Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2015 • 文學院唐錦騰教授 Prof. Tong Kam-tang, Faculty of Arts • 工商管理學院袁志樂博士 Dr. Yuen Chi-lok Andrew, Faculty of Business Administration • 教育學院黃綺妮教授 Prof. Wong Yi-lee Eilly, Faculty of Education • 工程學院李浩文教授 Prof. Lee Ho-man Jimmy, Faculty of Engineering • 法律學院夏竹立教授 Prof. Julien Chaisse, Faculty of Law • 醫學院杜健華教授 Prof. To Kin-wah Kenneth, Faculty of Medicine • 理學院王海嬰教授 Prof. Wong Hoi-ying, Faculty of Science • 社會科學院譚蕙芸小姐 Miss Tam Wai-wan Vivian, Faculty of Social Science • 通識教育李潔瑩博士 Dr. Lee Kit-ying Rebecca, General Education 2015年度青年學者研究成就獎 Young Researcher Award 2015 • 文學院陳紫茵教授 Prof. Chan Tsz-yan Evelyn, Faculty of Arts • 工商管理學院戴先熾教授 Prof. Dai Xianchi, Faculty of Business Administration • 教育學院蘇詠芝教授 Prof. So Wing-chee Catherine, Faculty of Education • 工程學院邊黎明教授 Prof. Bian Liming, Faculty of Engineering • 法律學院Gonzalo Villalta Puig教授 Prof. Gonzalo Villalta Puig, Faculty of Law • 醫學院胡嘉麒教授 Prof. Wu Ka-kei William, Faculty of Medicine • 理學院李華白教授 Prof. Li Hua-bai, Faculty of Science • 社會科學院黎育科教授 Prof. Lai Yuk-fo Derrick, Faculty of Social Science 2015年度研究生學術成果獎 Postgraduate Research Output Award 2015 • 文學院胡琦博士 Dr. Hu Qi, Faculty of Arts • 工商管理學院章珺女士 Ms. Zhang Jun Melody, Faculty of Business Administration • 教育學院黃亞婷女士 Ms. Huang Yating, Faculty of Education • 工程學院羅元博士 Dr. Luo Yuan, Faculty of Engineering • 醫學院婁武濤先生 Mr. Lou Wutao, Faculty of Medicine • 理學院唐岑女士 Ms. Tang Cen, Faculty of Science • 社會科學院李劍鋒博士 Dr. Li Jianfeng, Faculty of Social Science 各科頒授學位數目 Number of Degrees Awarded 本科課程 Undergraduate Programmes 文學士 Bachelor of Arts 571 工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration 704 文學士及教育學士 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education 90 * 教育學士 Bachelor of Education 53 工程學士 Bachelor of Engineering 484 法學士 Bachelor of Laws 108 中醫學學士 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 32 內外全科醫學士 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 176 護理學士 Bachelor of Nursing 206 藥劑學士 Bachelor of Pharmacy 54 理學士 Bachelor of Science 917 ** 社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Science 634 Total 4,029 碩士課程 Master’s Programmes 5,593 * 四十五名文學士畢業生同時獲得教育學士學位 There are 45 graduates each receiving both the Bachelor of Arts degree and the Bachelor of Education degree ** 其中兩名理學士畢業生就讀雙學位課程並同時獲得 工程學士學位 2 graduates of the Bachelor of Science degree were simultaneously awarded a Bachelor of Engineering degree for a Double Degree Programme