Newsletter No. 494

07 # 4 9 4 | 1 9 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 7 three visits to the joint laboratory at CUHK from 2016 to 2018 to work on a research project with funding provided by both universities. She said, ‘In my six-week visit at CUHK last year, I’ve gained tremendous exposure to the fields of biomaterials and stem cells 3D printing. I’ve also developed the necessary skills and research tools which will help me further my research progress.’ Another student Miss Ada Antypiuk will start her research at CUHK in May 2017. She will explore the role of metabolome on regulating human embryonic stem cell pluripotency. To conduct high impact research in the areas of stem cells, developmental biology and regenerative medicine, CUHK and the University of Southampton (UOS) set up CUHK–UOS Joint Laboratory for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine in 2016. The laboratory is an academic connection between the two institutions through personnel exchanges, research collaborations and student training programmes. It is co- directed by Prof. Kenneth Lee (front), managing director of Core Laboratories and chief of the Developmental and Regenerative Biology Thematic Research Programme of the School of Biomedical Sciences, and Prof. Richard Oreffo, director of the Centre for Human Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration, Faculty of Medicine, UOS. Stem cell and regenerative medicine has been a major theme for research since the School of Biomedical Sciences was founded. ‘One major achievement of the School is the use of molecular biology and small molecules to produce induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) from ordinary cells, such as skin fibroblasts. The iPS cells could potentially be used to generate tissues and organs for transplantation in the clinical setting to treat degenerative diseases,’ said Professor Lee. ‘Collaborating with Southampton University has allowed the School to increase our technological know-how in the area of 3D bio-printing and the fabrication of different types of bio- inks for printing.’ Two PhD students have been recruited by UOS to support the research work at both locations under the joint supervision. One of the students, Miss Alia Hafiz (1st right), is undertaking 中大及英國南安普頓大學於2016年成立「香港中 文大學–南安普頓大學幹細胞及再生醫學聯合實 驗室」,冀透過專業交流、科研協作和學生培訓計 劃,進一步鞏固在幹細胞、發育生物學及再生醫 學領域的學術聯繫。該聯合實驗室由生物醫學學 院中心實驗室營運總監及「發育及再生生物學」 主題研究組主任李嘉豪教授(前),以及南安普頓 大學醫學院「人類發展、幹細胞與再生中心」總監 Richard Oreffo教授共同管理。 自生物醫學學院成立以來,幹細胞及再生醫學是 其中一個主要研究方向。李教授說:「學院其中一 個重要研究成果,是使用分子生物學和小分子從 普通細胞(如皮膚成纖維細胞)孕育誘導式多能 幹細胞,此細胞可製造人體組織和器官作臨床移 植,治療退化性疾病。是次與南安普頓大學的合 作項目,有助本院在3D生物打印範疇提升技術水 平,製造各種用於生物打印的物料。」 南安普頓大學安排了兩位博士生分別到兩校的 聯合實驗室接受研究指導,其中一位是A l i a Hafiz(右一),她得到兩校資助,於2016至2018 年期間三次到中大的聯合實驗室從事研究,她說: 「我去年首次到中大做為期六星期的研究,涉足 生物材料和幹細胞3D打印領域,獲益匪淺。其間 我掌握到重要的研究技巧和工具,改善了我的研 究進度。」另一位博士生Ada Antypiuk將於5月到 中大,她主要研究代謝組對調節人體胚胎多能幹 細胞的作用。 幹細胞與再生醫學合作研究 Research Partnership on Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .  若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。