CUHK Research

中大國家重點實驗室 CUHK State Key Laboratories 「國家重點實驗室計劃」是中國國家科技創新體系的重要環節,於1990年代初推出, 由中國科學技術部負責,組織高水平的基礎研究和應用基礎研究,是凝聚和培養優秀 科學家,以及開展高層次學術交流的平台。重點實驗室主要附設於中國科學院的研究 所或全國重點大學,設於中文大學的有五所。 The State Key Laboratory (SKL) Scheme is an important component of the national innovation system in China. It was launched in the early 1990s under the purview of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. The Scheme coordinates high quality infrastructural research and applied infrastructural research, draws together and nurtures accomplished scientists, and serves as a platform for high level academic exchange. SKLs are mainly attached to the research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or key universities all over China. There are five SKLs set up in CUHK. 華南腫瘤學國家重點實驗室 (香港中文大學夥伴實驗室) 實驗室設於沙田威爾斯親王醫院包玉剛癌症 中心,以中文大學與中山大學在癌症研究上 的多年合作為基礎,香港的醫院管理局和食 物及衞生局則一直提供大量臨床病例以供研 究。本地研究和治療癌症已有相當時間,中 大於1990年即成立香港癌症研究所。實驗 室匯聚了中大和中山大學不同學科的人員, 都是臨床專家和基礎癌症研究的專才,研究 範圍為區內常見的癌症,尤其是鼻咽癌、肝 癌和胃癌,以研究其分子基因和信號傳遞途 徑為主,目標是作臨床診斷和開發新治療方 法。實驗室現時與全球二十多個頂級癌症研 究中心合作,包括美國德薩斯大學安德遜癌 症中心、明尼蘇達州的Mayo Clinic、約翰霍 普金斯大學、英國牛津大學,以及中國復旦 大學和北京大學的相關單位。 State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China (Partner Laboratory in The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Located at the Sir Y K Pao Centre for Cancer of the Prince of Wales Hospital, the State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China (Partner Laboratory in The Chinese University of Hong Kong) is built on the solid foundation of CUHK’s long- established partnership with Sun Yat-sen University in cancer research and the backing of a strong clinical base and support of the Hospital Authority and the Food and Health Bureau of Hong Kong. Besides, there is a long tradition of cancer research and care in the local community. CUHK’s Hong Kong Cancer Institute was established in 1990. The investigators of the SKL are a multi-disciplinary group of clinical and basic cancer researchers from CUHK and Sun Yat-sen University, who have conducted research investigating the molecular genetics, signalling pathways, clinical diagnostics and novel therapeutic developments of cancers common in the region, in particular nasopharyngeal cancer, liver cancer and gastric cancer. The SKL has entered into collaborations with over 20 top cancer centres in the world, including MD Anderson of Texas University, Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and Johns Hopkins University of the US, Oxford University of the UK, and Fudan University and Peking University of China. 49 CUHK RESEARCH