Bulletin No. 1, 2023

Dedicated teams have been set up to render practical assistance to CUHK researchers in translating research output into positive societal impact. The Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services has been providing comprehensive support, such as assisting academics in locating research grants and preparing research contracts, offering support for intellectual property (IP) development and licensing, and facilitating collaborations with external parties, and formulating research ethics policies. The Office of Innovation and Enterprise aspires to create an innovation ecosystem that fosters interactions among industries, investors, the government and academia, thereby accelerating CUHK’s innovation and societal impacts. The Office for Greater Bay Area Developments works in collaboration with governments across the GBA to fuel innovation development and promote integration between Hong Kong and Guangdong Province in this exciting initiative to build an integrated megapolis in southern China. TR at CUHK, a wholly owned subsidiary of the University, is the holding vehicle behind the six InnoHK Centres (“TR” stands for translational research) to facilitate the University’s promotion of innovation and commercialisation of research through the Centres. “Many of the world’s most important translational research emerges from outstanding frontier discovery conducted at universities. These InnoHK Centres will translate the outputs of CUHK’s world-class research into to new products, novel solutions and expand our technology applications to markets which will enable more people to benefit from the research we do,” says Professor Sham Mai-har, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Choh-Ming Li Professor of Biomedical Sciences. Excel with purpose and responsibility As a comprehensive research university, CUHK sees the commercialisation and translation agenda as Professor Sham Mai-har HOLISTIC SUPPORT CONDUCIVE TO TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH 8 Chinese University Bulletin No. 1, 2023