Calendar 2023-24

Part 1 6 Part 1 • General Information The General Education Programme at CUHK is composed of the General Education Foundation, the ‘Four Areas’ of University General Education, and College General Education. The General Education Foundation and the ‘Four Areas’ of UniversityGeneral Education are administered by the Office of University General Education, while the College General Education programme is offered by constituent Colleges, each with its distinctive mission and tradition. n Postgraduate Studies Master’s programmeswere first offered in 1966!67, and the number of programmes in 2023!24 is 144. Doctoral programmes were first introduced in 1980!81 and the number of programmes is 31 in 2023!24. MPhil–PhD programmes were first introduced in 2004!05, and the number of programmes is 43 in 2023!24. In addition, seven postgraduate diploma programmes and one postgraduate certificate programme are offered.