Newsletter No. 521

06 # 5 2 1 | 1 9 . 0 8 . 2 0 1 8 首位華人數學家獲馬塞爾.格羅斯曼獎 First Chinese Mathematician Receives Marcel Grossmann Award 中大博文講座教授及數學科學研究所所長丘成桐教授,獲頒「馬塞爾.格羅斯曼 獎」,以表揚他成功證明廣義相對論中總質量的正定性、令「准局域質量」的概念更 完善、證明了「卡拉比猜想」,以及在黑洞物理研究貢獻良多。 Prof. Yau Shing-tung, Distinguished Professor-at-Large and director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences at CUHK, has been honoured with the Marcel Grossmann Award in recognition of his achievement for proving the positivity of total mass in the theory of general relativity, perfecting the concept of quasi-local mass, proving the Calabi conjecture, and his continuous inspiring role in the study of black holes physics. 守護下一代的眼睛健康 Eyeing the Future of Eye Care 眼科及視覺科學學系獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金慷慨 捐助近七千八百萬港元,開展中大賽馬會瞳心護眼計 劃及中大賽馬會眼科顯微手術培訓計劃,以改善本地 兒童眼睛護理,並為醫生提供眼科顯微手術培訓。 The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences has received a generous donation of close to HK$78 million from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for funding two programmes, namely, CUHK Jockey Club Children’s Eye Care Programme and CUHK Jockey Club Ophthalmic Microsurgical Training Programme, to promote local children’s eye care and to provide ophthalmic microsurgical training. 人臉識別檢測創新猷 Face Flashing Foray 人臉識別技術應 用日漸廣泛,包括 手機及電腦解鎖 等。不過,人臉信 息容易獲取和複 製,令認證系統易 受不法之徒攻擊, 導致損失。信息工 程學系助理教授 張克環教授(右) 領導的系統保安 研究實驗室團隊,研發出嶄新Face Flashing人臉識別動態檢測方 案,在掃描人臉時屏幕會隨機發放不同顏色光線,透過分析臉上的 光線反射效果,分辨偽造影像,驗證用戶身分。 With rapid AI development, facial recognition technologies have been used for unlocking desktops or mobile devices. Facial information is, however, easy to capture and reproduce, making face authentication systems vulnerable to attack. The System Security Lab led by Prof. Zhang Kehuan (right) of the Department of Information Engineering has designed a new challenge-response protocol for liveness detection, Face Flashing. Light from a display screen will be projected onto a human face and the reflected light will be captured by a camera for analysis, enabling the system to differentiate real human faces from fake ones. 睡一睡,心血管病莫伴隨 Catch Some Z’s to Avoid Cardiovascular Disease 醫學院研究團隊為一百四十二名青少年量度「頸動脈 內膜-中膜厚度」(簡稱CIMT),並記錄他們的平均 睡眠時數,發現近四成參與研究者每日平均睡眠時數 少於美國全國睡眠基金會建議的最少八小時,更發現 青少年睡得愈少,他們的CIMT便愈厚,意味着他們日 後罹患心血管疾病的風險愈高。研究結果已發表於 The Journal of Pediatrics 。 The researchers of the Faculty of Medicine measured the Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) of 142 adolescents and recorded their mean sleep duration. Results showed that almost 40% of participants did not get at least eight hours of sleep as recommended by the National Sleep Foundation. It was also seen that shorter sleep duration is associated with increased CIMT, which implies higher risk of cardiovascular disease in the future. The study results have been published in The Journal of Pediatrics . 孕育年輕社會創業家 Young Talent, Big Business 社創領袖獎頒獎典禮2018暨尤努斯社會事業講壇於 7月23日在中大舉行,2006年諾貝爾和平獎得主穆罕 默德·尤努斯教授(中)於典禮擔任頒獎嘉賓,並於社 會事業講壇中分享他對「三零世界」(零貧窮、零失業 和零淨碳排放)的盼望。中大社會及公民參與督導委員 會聯席主席沈祖堯教授(右二)希望大學可以培育和幫 助年輕人創辦社會事業,為有志之士提供訓練及實踐 的機會。 The S.I. Leadership Award Ceremony 2018 and Yunus Social Business Seminar were held at CUHK on 23 July. Prof. Muhammad Yunus (centre), Nobel Peace Laureate in 2006, presented the awards at the ceremony and delivered a speech at the seminar. He shared his hopes for the ‘world of three zeros’ (zero poverty, zero unemployment and zero net carbon emissions). Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (2nd right), co-chairman of the Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement of CUHK, hoped the University would be a platform which incubates and assists young people in starting their social enterprises. 中大(深圳)成立世界級運籌科學研究院 CUHK (SZ)’s World-class Institute for Data and Decision Analytics 中大(深圳)於7月20日宣布成立資料與運籌科學研究院,由世界 知名學者戴建崗教授和張寅教授擔任共同院長。研究院將與該校 理工學院和經管學院密切合作,專注於運籌學、資訊工程、統計 學、運營管理和決策科學等研究領域,以及相關交叉領域的科學研 究與人才培養工作。 CUHK (SZ) announced the establishment of the Institute for Data and Decision Analytics on 20 July, with two world-renowned scholars Prof. Jim Dai and Prof. Zhang Yin serving as co- directors. Working closely with the School of Management and Economics, the Institute will focus on scientific research and talent development in research areas such as operations research, information engineering, statistics, operations management and decision science. 文憑試優秀學生加入中大 Outstanding HKDSE Students Admitted 中大今年共取錄二千八百八十六名文憑試考生,99.5%為Band A 考生。繼去年錄取全港成績最佳考生,中大今年再創佳績,共錄取 三位考獲七科5**的考生,以及十一位考獲六科5**的考生。考獲七 科5**的三人將分別入讀醫學(環球醫學領袖培訓專修)、環球商 業學及環球經濟與金融跨學科主修課程。 CUHK has admitted 2,886 HKDSE students, 99.5% of which were Band A students. Building on the success last year in admitting top students with the best HKDSE results, this year CUHK admitted three students with 5** in seven subjects, as well as 11 students with 5** in six subjects. The three students with 5** in seven subjects will enrol in the Medicine (Global Physician-Leadership Stream), Global Business Studies and Global Economics and Finance programmes.