Newsletter No. 540

05 # 5 4 0 | 1 9 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 9 陳重娥教授獲美國糖尿病協會嘉許 Prof. Juliana Chan Honoured by American Diabetes Association 內科及藥物治療學講座教授陳重娥(左)榮獲美國糖尿病協會頒發 2019年Harold Rifkin Award,以表彰陳教授在糖尿病研究方面的 卓越成就和國際影響力。頒獎典禮於6月10日在美國三藩市舉行。 過去三十年,陳教授建立多個大型患者隊列、生物資料庫和數據庫, 以斷定亞洲糖尿病的病因和後果。通過系統研究,陳教授確立了以團 隊為本的治療架構有利於減低糖尿病的臨床事故和死亡率。她並創立 了十一個國家參與的亞洲糖尿病聯合評估計劃,收集數據,並按個別 病人的風險水平,建議照護流程,支援病者,並克服臨床慣性。 陳教授年來發表逾五百篇研究論文和二十篇書籍章節,栽培了數百名 研究生和博士後研究員,並成立研究所、實驗室和糖尿病中心,倡導公 私營協作,其貢獻裨益亞洲以至全球數以百萬計生命。 Prof. Juliana Chan (left) of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics received American Diabetes Association’s 2019 Harold Rifkin Award for Distinguished International Service in the Cause of Diabetes. The award presentation ceremony took place on 10 June in San Francisco. During her career spanning more than three decades, Professor Chan has established large patient cohorts, biobanks and databases to define the causes and consequences of people with diabetes in Asia. She has systemically confirmed the benefits of a team-based structured care approach to reducing clinical events and mortality in people with diabetes. She also developed the innovative, 11-country Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation (JADE) programme to gather data and issue personalized reports to empower individual patients and reduce clinical inertia. Professor Chan has published more than 500 papers and 20 book chapters, trained hundreds of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, and has established institutes, laboratories and diabetes centres to generate and translate evidence to practice through public-private partnerships. Her efforts to ensure progress in the fight against diabetes has improved millions of lives in Asia and worldwide. 「與傑出領袖對話」圓滿閉幕 Dialogue with Women CEOs Concluded 商學院於5月17日舉辦2018 – 19年度「與傑出領袖對話」最後一場研討 會,主題為「培育新一代領袖」。三位講者包括瑞銀香港區行政總裁盧 彩雲女士、花旗集團香港及澳門區行長伍燕儀女士及亞洲保險行政總 裁黃子遜女士,她們一致認為,現時僱主要求應徵者具備多方面長處 和技能,尤其是靈活變通、毅力、分析思維和人際技巧。參加者包括逾 九十家本地中學校長、老師和就業諮詢主任。「與傑出領袖對話」系列 由商學院聯同由多位香港金融界的女行政總裁組成的Women Chief Executives合辦,共有五輪對話活動,旨在與年輕人探討和交流有關商 界和社會議題的觀點。 CUHK Business School held the last session of Dialogue with Women CEOs 2018–19 titled ‘Nurturing the Next Generation of Leaders’ on 17 May. Three women chief executives, Miss Amy Lo, Country Head and Chief Executive of UBS Hong Kong Branch; Miss Angel Ng, Chief Executive Officer, Citi Hong Kong and Macau; and Miss Winnie Wong, Chief Executive Officer, Asia Insurance Company Limited, took part in the panel discussion. The three panelists highlighted attributes and skills that employers look for in candidates include versatility, persistency, analytical thinking, and interpersonal skills. Principals, career masters, and teachers from more than 90 local secondary schools attended the event. The Dialogue with Women CEOs series was organized by CUHK Business School and Women Chief Executives, an informal group established by women chief executives from the financial services industry in Hong Kong. Consisting of five dialogue events, it aims to empower the next generation through exchanges of views on business and social issues. 網絡課程助全球閱讀困難兒童 Online Course Helps Struggling Readers around the Globe 心理學系Catherine McBride教授(中)設計的大型公開網絡課程「如何教育世界各地閱讀困難兒童」, 為需要照顧閱讀困難兒童的老師、家長及相關人士而設。第一期課程於本年3月31日至4月28日在 Canvas Network網絡課程平台開辦,吸引近七千五百名來自全球各地的人士報名參加。多名來自內地、 香港、菲律賓、伊朗、贊比亞、加拿大,以及美國的專業人士,義務協助學員於網上討論,交流在不同語言 及文化背景中的教學經驗與看法。 Prof. Catherine McBride (middle) of the Department of Psychology designed a massive open online course ‘Teaching Struggling Readers around the World’ for teachers, caregivers, and other interested parties who are teaching struggling readers. The first run of the course was held on Canvas Network between 11 March and 28 April 2019. Nearly 7,500 students around the globe enrolled. Professionals from mainland China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Iran, Zambia, Canada and the US helped students partake in online discussions and share ideas and teaching experiences with different languages and within different cultural contexts. 中國資本市場研究廣獲徵引 Research on Chinese Capital Market Recognized 根據國際會計學術期刊 Abacus , 中大商學院的學者在中國資本市 場金融和會計領域研究方面,於 權威期刊的論文發表量及論文獲 徵引的次數,位居世界前列,當中 會計學院的吳東輝教授(左)和 張田余教授(右),在1999年至 2018年間分別發表了六篇有關中國資本市場的研究論文。張教授的論文 引用次數達2,493次,吳教授則是1,028次,分列全球第二及第三。 According to the international accounting academic journal Abacus , CUHK’s Business School houses the top ranked researchers in terms of publication and citation quantities on the Chinese capital market. Prof. Donghui Wu (left) and Prof. Tianyu Zhang (right) from School of Accountancy were named the second most prolific researchers in the world, each with six research papers published in well-respected Tier 1 journals in the past two decades. Professor Zhang’s and Professor Wu’s research papers received 2,493 and 1,028 citation counts, respectively, ranking second and third in total citations. different disciplines and research areas have been elected into YASHK. Six of them are from CUHK, including Prof. Edwin Chan (1st right) from School of Life Sciences, Prof. Raymond Tong (1st left) from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Prof. Li Huabai from the Department of Physics, Prof. Lu Yi-chun from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Prof. Kathy Lui (2nd right) from the Department of Chemical Pathology, and Prof. Amos Tai (2nd left) from the Earth System Science Programme. The inauguration ceremony of YASHK was held on 9 June at Hong Kong Science Park. The Chief Executive of HKSAR, Mrs. Carrie Lam, officiated at the ceremony. YASHK aims to promote STEM in secondary schools and arouse students’ interest in science. 為推動本港創科發展,香港科學院成立香港青年科學院,邀 請三十一名在多個科研領域表現優秀的年輕學者出任創院 院士,當中六人來自中大,包括生命科學學院的陳浩然教授 (右一)、生物醫學工程學系湯啟宇教授(左一)、物理系 李華白教授、機械與自動化工程學系盧怡君教授、化學病理 學系呂愛蘭教授(右二),以及地球系統科學課程戴沛權教 授(左二)。香港青年科學院的成立典禮於6月9日在香港科 學園舉行,行政長官林鄭月娥親臨主禮。該院將主力推動中 學STEM教育,培養年輕人對科學的興趣。 To promote the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Academy of Sciences set up Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences (YASHK). Thirty one young scientists with outstanding achievements in 中大六學者任香港青年科學院院士 Six CUHK Professors Elected into Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences