Newsletter No. 541

建築學院新氣象 New Building Name and New Director for the School of Architecture 大學為鳴謝李兆基博 士長久以來的支持, 包括近期透過李兆基 基金慷慨捐款港幣一 億一千萬元予中大支 持教研發展,謹將校 園內一座綜合教學大 樓命名為「李兆基建 築學大樓」。 捐款典禮已於去年5月21日圓滿舉行,捐贈協議由李兆基博士及中 大校長段崇智教授簽署,並由恒基兆業地產集團聯席主席李家傑 博士及李家誠先生、副主席林高演博士,以及中大副校長霍泰輝 教授、吳樹培先生和時任中大建築學院院長陳丙驊教授見證雙方  簽署。 李兆基博士是商界翹楚,向來積極參與慈善公益活動,尤其熱心 教育。過去四十多年,李兆基博士給予中大多方面支持。中大分別 於1993年及2002年頒授榮譽社會科學博士銜及榮譽院士銜予李 博士,以表揚他在商界傑出成就及對教育發展的卓越貢獻。 The University has named An Integrated Teaching Building (AITB) on campus as ‘Lee Shau Kee Architecture Building’ in appreciation of the longstanding support from Dr. Lee Shau-kee towards the University, including a donation of HK$110 million made by Dr. Lee through Lee Shau Kee Foundation for supporting the general development of CUHK. A donation agreement was signed between Dr. Lee Shau-kee and Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan on 21 May 2018. Guests witnessing the signing of the donation agreement included Dr. Peter Lee and Mr. Martin Lee, co-Chairmen of Henderson Land Group; Dr Colin Lam, Vice Chairman, Henderson Land Group; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President of CUHK; Mr. Eric Ng, Vice-President of CUHK and Prof. Nelson Chen, the then Director of School of Architecture of CUHK. A renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist, Dr. Lee Shau-kee has always been supportive to education initiatives. He has been a staunch benefactor of CUHK over the past four decades. In recognition of his outstanding achievement in the business sector, and the tremendous contribution to education, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa , and the Honorary Fellowship of CUHK in 1993 and 2002, respectively. ——————— www ——————— 2019年8月1日,戴敦寧教授就任建築學院 院長,接替領導學院五年多、於7月退休的  陳丙驊教授。戴敦寧教授於2018年擔任學 院的外部評審員,以及中大校外專家委員會 會員,並於同年10月獲聘為建築學教授。 身兼建築師和學者的戴敦寧教授1988年以 最高榮譽畢業於英國劍橋大學,曾擔任西敏 寺大學建築與建設環境學院院長,專注研究 繪畫實踐和建築取材、用色和再現。他對自然環境抱濃厚興趣,並 於2014年創辦全球教育網絡Latitudes,以鼓勵新生代從事有關氣 候變化的創新設計。 Prof. David Dernie was appointed the new Director of the School of Architecture with effect from 1 August 2019, succeeding Prof. Nels on Chen, who has retired from the position after more than five years of distinguished service. Professor Dernie served the School as External Examiner, as well as on the CUHK Visiting Committee in 2018. He later joined the School as Professor in October 2018. Professor Dernie, a graduate of the University of Cambridge with a starred distinction (1988) and former Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Westminster, is an architect and academic whose work focuses on the practice of drawing and the questions of materials, colour and representation in architecture. He has a deep interest in the natural environment and founded the global educational network ‘Latitudes’ in 2014, engaging future generations with innovative design for climate c hange. 亞洲式教養 Parenting among Asians 中大教育心理學系與心理學系於6月25至28日聯合舉辦了題為「亞裔族群裏的父母教養」工作坊。作為首個在 香港舉行的國際行為發展研究協會區域工作坊,是次會議得到該協會、CUHK Research Summit Series、中 大大腦與認知研究所、香港中文大學—新加坡南洋理工大學—西悉尼大學嬰兒研究聯合實驗室,以及中大教 育心理學系鼎力資助。十多位國際知名學者和近八十名來自亞洲二十六個經濟體以及北美與歐洲的青年學者 齊聚一堂,總結過去數十年有關亞裔族群裏的父母教養的學術研究,展望在更廣泛的族群開展於理論與方法 上更高質的研究,並提升父母教養研究的社會影響,以促進家庭和諧及兒童與青少年福祉。 A regional workshop of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) themed ‘Parenting among Asians’, the first of its kind held in Hong Kong, took place at CUHK from 25–28 June. The workshop was organized jointly by the Department of Educational Psychology and the Department of Psychology, and sponsored by ISSBD, CUHK Research Summit Series, Brain and Mind Institute, CUHK-NTU- WSU Joint Laboratory for Infant Research, and the Department of Educational Psychology. It boasted more than 10 world-leading scholars as speakers and attracted around 80 early career scholars as participants from 26 economies in Asia as well as North America and Europe. The speakers and the participants took stock of decades of research on parenting among Asians both to promote theoretically guided and methodologically rigorous studies, and to expand social impact of parenting research on fostering optimal family functioning and child and youth wellbeing in diverse regions of Asia. 諾獎得主談人工智能與 中國經濟 Nobel Laureate on AI and China’s Economy 7月12日,中大(深圳)邀得2000年諾貝爾 經濟學獎得主、美國芝加哥大學經濟學教授  詹姆斯.赫克曼蒞臨演講,分析人工智能如 何輔助中國制定有效政策,建立技術。在探 討大數據時代的私隱保護、社會發展等議 題過後,他鼓勵學生以開放的心態擁抱社 會進步帶來的變化,以及培養解決新問題的  能力。 On 12 July, James J. Heckman, Nobel Laureate in Economics in 2000 and Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, was invited to give a lecture on ‘how AI can assist in developing effective policies for Chinese skill formation’ at CUHK(SZ). After explaining ways to protect privacy and boost social progress in the age of big data, Professor Heckman encouraged students to embrace the changes brought by the social advance and always be ready to solve new challenges. 全球監管治理國際會議 International Conference to Inaugurate a Global Regulatory Governance 政治與行政學系及香港亞太研究所於7月4至6日於中大 鄭裕彤樓舉辦全球監管治理國際會議。會議由歐洲政治 研究聯合會監管治理常設小組全力支持,匯聚中西學者 探討監管治理方面的複雜議題。 開幕禮由段崇智校長及勞工及福利局局長羅致光博士擔 任主禮嘉賓,並由歐洲政治研究聯合會監管治理常設小 組召集人Colin Scott 教授擔任專題演講嘉賓,就全球化 高等教育的監管與自主演說。為期三天的國際會議內容 包括智庫代表的圓桌會議、專題討論及由世界知名公共 行政學術期刊的編輯出席的編輯論壇。 An International Conference to Inaugurate a Global Regulatory Governance 2019 was held from 4 to 6 July at Cheng Yu Tung Building of CUHK. Co-hosted by the Department of Government and Public Administration and the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the conference with the theme of ‘unpacking the complexity of regulatory governance in a globalising world’ received strong support from the European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR) Standing Group on the Regulatory Governance. In the opening ceremony, CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan made an opening remark and Dr. Law Chi-kwong, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, gave a welcome speech. A keynote speech was delivered by Prof. Colin Scott, Convenor of ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance. The three-day conference consisted of a Round Table on Governance & Think-tanks in Hong Kong, followed by eight parallel panel sessions and an editor’s forum to provide interaction with editors of leading academic journals. 與早稻田大學共育環球領袖 Cultivating Global Leaders with Waseda University 中大與早稻田大學簽署合作備忘錄,共同提供雙學位課程。 首批學生預計由2019 – 20學年起,分別入讀中大的全球研究 課程和早稻田大學的社會創新課程。學生於中大及早稻田大 學修讀首兩年課程後,將前往夥伴大學繼續修讀餘下兩年課 程。學生符合畢業所需要求後,將分別獲頒發中大的社會科 學學士學位及早稻田大學的文學士學位。此外,中大亦正與 早稻田大學的國際文理文學士課程籌備另一雙學位課程。 CUHK and Waseda University signed a Memorandum of Understanding that establishes a framework for the two universities to collaborate in dual degree programmes. The first programme to be launched in the academic year 2019–20 will pair the BSSc in Global Studies Programme at CUHK and the BA in Social Science—Transnational and Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Innovation at Waseda. Participating students will spend the first two years at their home institution and the last two years at the partner university as a basic course structure. Upon successful completion of the graduation requirements, students will be awarded with a Bachelor of Social Science degree from CUHK and a Bachelor of Arts degree fromWaseda. Another dual degree programme with Waseda’s BA in International Liberal Studies Programme is under planning. 08 # 5 4 1 | 1 9 . 0 8 . 2 0 1 9