Newsletter No. 542
03 # 5 4 2 | 0 4 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 9 麥子詠 Mak Tze-wing 獲頒運動員獎學金最高級別「卓越運動獎學金」的子詠是乒乓 球港隊成員,她於國際和地區的個人賽屢次奪冠,團體賽亦名 列前茅。重視團隊精神的她入讀健康與體育運動科學學系,期 望鑽研運動心理學,以知識與經驗協助運動員提升心理素質, 發揮所長。 Conferred the Sports Excellence Scholarship that is the top prize of the Sports Scholarship Scheme, Tze-wing is a Hong Kong Table Tennis Team representative who has laid claims to championships and top prizes in international and regional singles and team matches. An athlete of teamwork who tirelessly inspires her teammates, Tze-wing hopes to explore sports psychology in the Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health programme to help boost the mental toughness of fellow athletes. 嚴爽 Yim Shong 工商管理學士綜合課程新生嚴爽曾任就讀中學的學生會副主席, 並為商業、數學、普通話及升學就業輔導等多個學會及組別幹事, 亦多次擔任活動司儀。她熱衷於義工服務,關懷兒童、長者,積極 參與境外交流。學術方面,嚴爽文、理、商兼善,為2016年全國青 少年科技創新大賽「創意之星獎」得主,以及2018年荃葵青區優 秀學生。 Admitted to the Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration programme, Shong has served as the vice-president of the students’ association and executive member of clubs and teams ranging from business, mathematics, Mandarin to career guidance, as well as being MC on various occasions. She devotes herself to voluntary work for children and the elderly, and has taken part in an array of exchange programmes. Well-rounded in arts, science and business subjects, she clinched the ‘Star Innovator’ award in The China Adolescents Science and Technology Innovation Contest in 2016 and the Outstanding Students Award of Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi Districts in 2018. 江富軒 Franco Kong 獲社會福利署頒授義務工作金嘉許狀的富軒曾任聯合國兒童基金 會青年使者,探訪內地山區農民及兒童,宣揚兒童權益。他亦曾統 籌九龍區長者義診,逾二百位長者受惠。富軒深信「千里之行,始 於足下」,特入讀社會學系,冀藉了解有關社會的理論,為社區作 更大貢獻,帶領本港社會邁步向前。 An awardee of the Gold Award for Volunteer Service, Franco was a UNICEF Young Envoy who advocated children’s rights and called on farmers and children living in rural, mountainous areas in mainland China. Once he coordinated a free medical consultation project for the elderly in Kowloon, benefitting more than 200. Believing that ‘the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step’, Franco chooses to read Sociology so that he may have a thorough understanding of society that enables him to better serve his beloved hometown. 嗨!新鮮人 Meet a Few Freshmen! A fter the travails of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination and the long rest in the summer, students newly admitted to CUHK were readying themselves for their college days and taking part in August’s orientation activities. This year, through the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS), CUHK admitted 2,846 HKDSE takers, of whom 99.2% made CUHK their Band A choices. Among candidates who achieved the highest level of 5** in five subjects or above in the HKDSE across the territory, over half were admitted by CUHK, including the seven top-scorers with 5** in seven subjects, as well as the five students with 5** in six subjects. Four CUHK programmes made the cut of the 10 most competitive programmes in the JUPAS institutions by reference to the median scores of the best five subjects. These are: Medicine (Global Physician-Leadership Stream), Global Business Studies, Medicine, and Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science. Medicine (Global Physician-Leadership Stream) has been the programme with the highest median admission score across the territory for six consecutive years. For Medicine programmes, over 60% of 377 students accepted to local medical schools via JUPAS chose CUHK. With the full score of DSE capped at 49, more than two-thirds of 74 students who got 46 marks or above and pursue medical degrees are with CUHK. Among the eight students with 5** in seven subjects or above who identify medicine as their vocation, seven were admitted by the University. Twenty-two admittees were awarded the fifth ‘Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship’ under the auspices of the Home Affairs Bureau which covers their tuition fees in full. Twenty-five students have been admitted through the University’s Sports Scholarship Scheme with their outstanding performance in sports, three of whom representing Hong Kong in their respective fields. Our freshmen are exemplary in both academic work and character. Many of them are outstanding athletes, too. CUHK’s humanistic orientation and whole- person educational ideal will be fertile ground for their growth. Amy L. 經 歷文憑試和漫長暑假,年輕學子在8月下旬紛往中大報到和參與各 項迎新活動,為往後四年或更長的山城歲月揭開序幕。今年中大透 過聯招辦法錄取二千八百四十六名文憑試考生,99.2%以中大課程為 Band A選擇。於文憑試考獲五科5**成績或以上的考生中,逾半獲中大錄取, 當中包括七位考獲七科5**及五位考獲六科5**的考生。 以最佳五科成績中位數計算,全港十個收生分數最高的課程中,四個為中大 課程,計為連續六年全港收生成績中位數最高的醫學(環球醫學領袖培訓專 修)、環球商業學、醫學、計量金融學及風險管理科學。 本年經聯招入讀醫科的三百七十七位學生,逾六成選擇中大。以文憑試滿分四 十九分計算,考獲四十六分或以上而修讀醫科的七十四名學生中,逾三分之二選 擇入讀中大醫學院。全港八位考獲七科5**而入讀醫科的學生中,中大佔其七。 此外,中大取錄了二十二位獲全額學費贊助的第五屆民政事務局「多元卓越獎 學金」得主,還透過大學的「運動員獎學金」錄取二十五位運動精英,包括三 位港隊代表。 入讀中大的新鮮人,學業品行俱優,不少更體藝超群,契合大學的人文視野與 全人教育理想。 Let’s Hit the Ground 向山城進發
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