Newsletter No. 542

08 # 5 4 2 | 0 4 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 9 “Question?” “Yes!” 為社會植苗:從容閱讀生命倫理 Leisure Reading in Bioethics: A Public Initiative 中大生命倫理學中心的工作近年延伸至推廣通 識教育,包括為就讀高中的年輕讀者設計課外 讀物。本港積極推動創新科技發展,不時牽涉 科學、醫學及法律問題,並且引起社會上道德 倫理的爭論。有見及此,中心策劃生命倫理專 題叢書,頭炮為今年書展面世的《生命倫理專 題:人工生殖科技(上)》,從多角度探討人工 生殖科技,如匿名捐贈精子與卵子及代孕等倫 理議題。 The CUHK Centre for Bioethics adopts a non- traditional teaching approach to addressing the unmet learning needs in bioethics under the liberal studies curricula in secondary schools. It launches an educational initiative to publish a series of leisure readings to promote public interest in various topics. As Hong Kong is pressing ahead with the development of innovative technology, it is foreseeable that important and controversial ethical, legal and social issues may arise. In this year’s Hong Kong Book Fair, the Centre published the first book in the series titled Bioethics Themed Series: Assisted Reproductive Technologies , exploring ethical issues such as anonymous gametes donation and surrogacy. 公積金計劃投資回報成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 基金 Fund 7.2019 1.8.2018 – 31.7.2019 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 0.26% –0.28% 1.89% 2.24% 平衡 Balanced 0.48% –0.20% 2.31% 3.21% 穩定 Stable –0.20% –0.28% 2.72% 4.43% 香港股票 HK Equity –1.61% –1.83% –2.41% –0.94% 香港指數 HK Index-linked –2.27% –2.29% 0.45% 0.65% A50中國指數 A50 China Tracker 0.91% 1.16% 15.50% 17.92% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.39% 0.09% 2.10% 0.91% 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit* 0.42% 0.30% 2.50% 0.92% 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit* –1.48% –1.52% –5.48% –6.77% 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit* –2.05% –2.04% –5.16% –5.07% 人民幣銀行存款 RMB Bank Deposit* 0.16% 0.06% 1.16% 0.32% 強積金數據請參閱: For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month 2019至20年度大中華法律史研討會系列 Greater China Legal History Seminar Series 2019–20 日期 Date (12:30–2:00 pm) 題目 /主講 Topics / Speakers 20.9.2019 Mutilating Corporal Punishments and Theories of Punishment in Traditional Chinese Legal Thought • Prof. Norman P. Ho, Peking University School of Translation Law 25.10.2019 The Evolution of the Small House Policy in Hong Kong’s New Territories • Mr. Malcolm Merry, Barrister 22.11.2019 The PRC’s Engagement with Public International Law in its Historical Context • Prof. Ryan Mitchell, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, CUHK 10.1.2020 Law and Slavery in the South China Sea • Prof. Stuart M. McManus, Assistant Professor, Department of History, CUHK 28.2.2020 From Matriarch to Mediator: The Roots of Hong Kong Mediation Practice • Ms. Sala Sihombing, Director, Conflict Change Consulting Limited 20.3.2020 The Origins of Hong Kong’s Basic Law • Prof. Albert Chen Hung-yee, Cheng Chan Lan Yue Professor of Constitutional Law, The University of Hong Kong 所有研討會均向公眾開放,於中環美國銀行大廈二樓中大法律學院研究生部舉行。 All seminars are open to the public and held at the CUHK Graduate Law Centre, 2/F, Bank of America Tower, Central. 學院及研究院人事任命 Faculties and Graduate School Appointments 新任 New Appointment 姓名 Name 任期 Appointment Period 文學院院長 Dean of the Faculty of Arts 唐小兵教授 Prof. Tang Xiaobing Max 2.9.2019 – 1.9.2024 研究院院長 Dean of the Graduate School 陳德章教授 Prof. Anthony Tak Cheung Chan 1.9.2019 – 31.8.2022 法律學院院長 Dean of the Faculty of Law 鄔楓教授 Prof. Lutz-Christian Wolff 30.9.2019 – 29.9.2024 宣 布 事 項 / A nnouncements