Newsletter No. 543
「由開始到現在,我們看見 朱敬文中學學生的改變。 今屆很多學生首次參與, 但可能師兄姐參加過後 在校園散發正能量, 學生比往屆更主動和願意溝通。 其實我們已間接 改變整間中學的校風。」 敬文書院服務委員會主席 車錫英教授 p.02 的 矢 錄 / R emarkables ‘I left everything and everyone behind in Singapore to pursue my path. It seems cliché, even frivolous, but following my passion rather than convention was absolutely the right choice.’ Miss Jocelyn Chew, PhD candidate of the Nethersole School of Nursing p.04 ‘When you lose a long-time partner, there is a big hole in your life. But eventually you will have to get on with your life. You can’t bring the person back, so make sure you do something you enjoy doing. Your friends will also look after you.’ Mrs. Gwen Kao, wife of the late Prof. Charles K. Kao (‘Widow of Nobel physics laureate Charles Kao Kuen tells of his battle with Alzheimer’s disease ahead of Hong Kong exhibition celebrating his life’, , 31 August 2019) ‘The real test for Lee Kum Kee will be whether the new generation can sustain the business once Lee Man Tat retires.’ Prof. Joseph Fan of the School of Accountancy and Department of Finance on Lee Kum Kee group’s efforts in surviving into their fifth generation (‘A $15 Billion Oyster Sauce Family Plots to Survive 1,000 Years’, Bloomberg , 30 August 2019) ‘CUHK is a leading global university, with rich and proud traditions, and I look forward to working with President Tuan and colleagues to bring it to even greater heights.’ Prof. Alan Chan, Provost-designate 「人文教育的目的不是增加知識, 而是用知識和理智性的思考, 教我們如何做人和面對社會, 而思考的方式不是靠幾個簡單的 方程式和數字可以做到的。」 冼為堅中國文化講座教授 李歐梵教授 談人文學科存在的意義 (《灼見名家》,2019年9月7日) 「我尊重我的團隊,所以着重決策的透明度。在一個團隊內,不可能每個 人都完全同意我的決定,但最起碼我要讓他們知道我重視他們的聲音, 而我的選擇跟他們的想法不一致是出於甚麼原因。」 中大商學院校友、一田百貨行政總裁 黃思麗 談管理的樂趣(《信報財經新聞》,2019年9月6日) ‘We show shifts in labour laws governing collective labour relations have a significant impact on corporate payout decisions.’ Prof. Donghui Wu, of the School of Accountancy and Director of Centre for Institutions and Governance at the Faculty of Business Administration (‘CUHK Business School Research Reveals How Labour Power Shapes Corporate Payout Policy’, Asia One , 9 September 2019) ‘ There is less and less talent [involved in electronic design automation (EDA) in the US]. This is an opportunity for China to invest [in talent and other resources to support EDA research and development]. ’ Prof. Martin Wong, Dean of Engineering, on electronic design automation (‘Can China catch up in electronic design automation to spur its semiconductor efforts?’, , 9 September 2019) 10 # 5 4 3 | 1 9 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 9
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