Newsletter No. 551

農村書屋蜚聲「建築界奧斯卡」 Rural Library Project Wins ‘Oscar of Architecture’ 建築學院Pe t e r W. Fe r r e t t o  教授及其Condition _ Lab團隊 與廣州大學建築與城市規劃學 院及村民合作,於湖南侗族村落  高步村興建兒童圖書館高步書屋。 項目在2019年世界建築節脫穎 而出,獲得「竣工項目—公民 與社區」組別獎。世界建築節有  「建築界奧斯卡」之稱,得獎作品 均為上乘。高步書屋為村中兒童 提供興味盎然的學習與社交空間,卻不失傳統侗族建築特色。評審盛讚項目緊扣社區, 絕非徒具磚瓦、空有形式,又稱其建造過程流麗之至。 The Gaobu Book House, a children’s library built by Prof. Peter W. Ferretto of the School of Architecture and his team Condition_Lab in collaboration with the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University and local villagers in rural Hunan, won the ‘Completed Buildings—Civic and Community’ category award at the World Architecture Festival 2019. Dubbed the ‘Oscars of architecture’, the festival recognizes some of the best architectural works in the world. Incorporating traditional features of the local Dong architecture, the library serves as a place for children in Gaobu village to learn, socialize, and have fun. The project was praised by the judges as ‘totally intertwined with the community—a project that goes well beyond the actual building and demonstrates excellence of process’. 中大醫學家屢獲殊榮 CUHK Medical Scientists Receive Multiple Accolades 國際權威科學期刊《自然生物科技》 選出2 018年二十位頂尖轉化研究科學  家,醫學院盧煜明教授(左)及趙慧君教授 (右)榜上有名,盧教授更是連續三年獲此 殊榮。廿人當中,只有盧、趙二人來自香港。 期刊以學者在2018年獲得的專利數目、過 去五年間最受引用的專利及其論文的產量 與影響力為指標,判斷其研究成果能否有效 地轉化應用。盧教授及趙教授在癌症及胎兒檢驗方面成績斐然,因而登上名單。 另外,盧教授上月獲頒第四屆復旦—中植科學獎。獎項表揚他在無創產前診斷、檢測游 離腫瘤DNA等範疇的貢獻。復旦—中植科學獎首兩屆得主及後皆摘下諾貝爾桂冠,故 獎項被視為後者的風向標。 Prof. Dennis Lo Yuk-ming (left) and Prof. Rossa Chiu Wai-kwun (right) of the Faculty of Medicine are named two of the top 20 translational researchers of 2018 by the world-renowned scientific journal Nature Biotechnology . They are the only Hong Kong researchers on the list, and this is the third consecutive year for Professor Lo to receive this honour. Recognizing researchers whose work is effectively applied, the list was compiled based on the numbers of patents granted to researchers in 2018, the researchers’ top-cited patents over the past five years, and their publication output and impact. Professor Lo and Professor Chiu were selected for their achievements in the areas of cancer and fetal diagnostics. Professor Lo also received the fourth Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award last month for his contribution to areas including non-invasive parental testing and circulating tumour DNA detection. This award is regarded as a pointer to the Nobel Prize, as the first two groups of awardees went on to become Nobel laureates. 氣候變化博物館成立六周年 Sixth Anniversary of Climate Change Museum 賽馬會氣候變化博物館創立六年,去年12月14日舉行周年慶典。博物館成立至今,參 觀人數超過八十萬。段崇智校長致辭時指,中大除了在校內推廣綠色文化,亦積極通過 博物館等渠道宣揚可持續發展理念。典禮當日,全新展覽「氣候變化的古今與未來」開 幕。參觀者可在其中窺探氣候今昔之別,思索人類對環境的責任。段校長相信,展覽能 夠將低碳生活等重要的環保概念傳至社區。 The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change celebrated its sixth anniversary on 14 December last year. Since its inception, the museum has attracted more than 800,000 visitors. In his address, Vice-Chancellor and President Prof. Rocky S. Tuan said that CUHK has put extensive effort into developing a culture of sustainability on campus and through such projects as those initiated by the museum. The new exhibition ‘Climate Change: Past, Present, Future’ was launched on the same day. It gives visitors an idea of how the climate has changed and encourages them to think about their roles in a sustainable world. Professor Tuan believes the exhibition will help promote the importance of a low-carbon lifestyle and other green concepts. 巧用納米鑽石 研究量子材料 Demystifying Quantum Materials with Diamonds 物理系吳瑞權教授及楊森教授帶領團隊,運用納米鑽石,研發量子材料測量技術。在低 溫和高壓下,量子材料會呈現奇特的性質,例如變成超導體,但在此般異常的環境,觀 測工作十分艱巨。有見及此,兩位教授聯同葉景佑、何健安、余經燿、陳暘及張威五名 研究生,試以靈敏且能在極端條件下發揮效用的納米鑽石,量度量子超導體的磁場。這 項技術方便科學家研究乃至改良量子材料,亦可提升香港計量學和高精度測量界的水 平。研究成果已刊登於著名國際學術期刊《科學》。 Research groups led by Prof. Goh Swee-kuan and Prof. Yang Sen of the Department of Physics have developed an observation technique for quantum materials based on nano-diamonds. Under low temperatures and high pressure, quantum materials display such interesting characteristics as becoming a superconductor. Unfortunately, it was difficult to observe these characteristics given the extreme environment. Using nano-diamonds, Professor Goh and Professor Yang have developed a method of sensing magnetic fields of quantum superconductors that works under extreme conditions together with five postgraduate students, including Yip King-yau, Ho Kin-on, Yu King-yiu, Chen Yang, and Zhang Wei. This method makes it easier for researchers to study and improve quantum materials. It also enhances Hong Kong’s capability in the fields of metrology and high-precision instrumentation. The findings have been published in the prestigious international journal Science . 後排左起:楊森、吳瑞權、何健安、張威、陳暘;前排左起:葉景佑及余經燿 From left: (back row) Yang Sen, Goh Swee-kuan, Ho Kin-on, Zhang Wei, and Chen Yang; (front row) Yip King-yau and Yu King-yiu 06 # 5 5 1 | 1 9 . 0 1 . 2 0 2 0