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Movie-watching was once synonymous with cinema-going. Nowadays, cinemas are shrinking in size, and the movie screen has moved from cinemas to television sets, PCs, tablets and even mobile phones. Will the level of movie enjoyment diminish with increased accessibility? It depends. For university students born in the 1990s, watching movies projected from reels of film in the 1,400-seat Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, enjoying late shows under the sky at the New Asia Amphitheatre and the central courtyard of Wu Yee Sun College, and engaging in enlightening discourse with film directors, producers, critics, the Vice-Chancellor, teachers and fellow students, is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience that enriches both intellect and emotions. And this is thanks to the I‧CARE Film Festival organized only at CUHK!

While film employs multiple media of expression, language is a fundamental instrument for human expression which involves a complex adaptive system. Under the leadership of Prof. William S-Y. Wang, the newly established Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity at CUHK will examine human complexity with emphasis on various Chinese languages and dialects. 'In Plain View' in this issue briefs us on this.

Hong Kong has undergone rigorous education reforms at the turn of the 21st century, from which results have begun to appear. Experience is the best teacher. Prof. Alan C.K. Cheung, an expert in evidence-based education reform, tells us how research proven programmes with strong evidence of effectiveness inform practitioners and policy-makers on future policies.

The flowers by the side of Tin Ka Ping Building are in full bloom. Look closer and you will find a unique tri-bud rose. The fertile soil of our campus surely has nurtured diversity in every aspect.