Annual Report 2018–19

源源創意 Innovation 23 六名學生獲頒創新科技獎學金 中大六名來自醫學院、理學院及工程學 院的學生獲2019年創新科技獎學金。每 名學生獲發十五萬港元獎學金,以資助 他們參與海外/內地交流等一系列項目, 擴闊國際視野,以及加深他們對科技的 了解。 Six students awarded the Innovation and Technology Scholarships Six CUHK students from the Faculties of Medicine, Science and Engineering distinguished themselves by winning the Innovation and Technology Scholarships 2019. Each awardee would receive up to HK$150,000 for participating in a series of initiatives such as overseas/Mainland attachment, to widen their international exposure and broaden their horizons in science and technology.