Newsletter No. 78

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 第四十九屆頒授學位典禮及典禮日特別安排 Arrangements for Congregation Day 第四十九屆頒授學位典禮將於十二月七日(星期 四)分兩部分舉行。第一部分之典禮於上午十時至十 一時在大學廣場舉行,由大學副監督簡悅強爵士主 持,頒授高級學位及學士學位。 第二部分之典禮由成員書院舉行,並由各書院院 長主持,畢業生將個別上台接受祝賀;兼讀學士學位 課程之畢業生則出席另一典禮,由副校長金耀基教授 主持。時間及地點表列如下: 畢業禮 時間 地點 逸夫書院 上午十一時三十分至一時邵逸夫堂 新亞書院 下午一時至二時三十分 大學廣場 兼讀學士學位下午一時三十分至三時 逸夫書院大講堂 課程 崇基學院 下午二時至三時三十分 崇基禮拜堂 聯合書院 下午二時三十分至四時 邵逸夫堂 披袍處 參加第一部分典禮行列之同人,請於上午九時二 十分前抵達大學行政樓祖堯會議廳披著禮袍。典禮行 列準於九時四十分列隊,並於九時五十六分離開大學 行政樓。 交通 是日之特別交通及泊車安排將於稍後另行通告。 邵逸夫堂對面停車場暫停開放 由本年開始,邵逸夫堂對面之停車場將闢作畢業 生座席。該停車場將由十二月一日至十日暫停開放, 以便蓋搭帳篷。 停課 醫科一至二年級及硏究院課程將於是日停課。 范克廉樓教職員及學生餐廳暫停服務 范克廉樓教職員及學生餐廳將由十二月六日晚上 九時至十二月七日下午一時三十分暫停營業,以便安 排第一部分典禮後舉行之茶會。快餐店亦於十二月七 日上午十一時十五分至十二時三十分暫停營業。 天雨安排 如遇天雨,第一部分之典禮將改在邵逸夫堂舉 行;而新亞書院畢業典禮則改在新亞體育館舉行。 The 49th congregation for the conferment ofhigher and first degrees will be held in two parts on Thursday, 7th December. Part 1 The first part of the ceremony, to be presided over by the Pro-Chancellor Sir Yuet-Keung Kan, will be heldfrom10.00 to 11.00 a.m. at the University Mall. All graduates will attend the ceremony. Part II The graduation ceremonies held by the four colleges and the Part-time Degree Programmes (PDP) for first degree graduates will take place afterwards as follows: College/ Time Presiding Venue Programme Officer Shaw 11.30 a.m.- Head of College Sir Run Run Shaw 1.00 p.m. Hal New Asia 1.00-2.30 p.m. Head of College University Mall PDP 1.30-3.00 p.m. Pro-Vice-Chancellor Shaw College Prof. Ambrose King Lecture Theatre Chung Chi 2.00-3.30 p.m. Head of College Chung Chi Chapel United 2.30-4.00 p.m. Head of College Sir Run Run Shaw Hall Robing Staff members joining the official procession in Part I ofthe ceremony should assemble by 9.20 a.m. in the Cho Yiu Conference Hall on the ground floor of the University Administration Building, which will serve as the robing room. Marshalling of the procession will begin at 9.40 a.m. The procession will leave the University Administration Building at 9.56 a.m. Traffic Special traffic and carparking arrangements will be announced nearer the time of the congregation in Weekly Events. Car park opposite to Sir Run Run Shaw Hall temporarily closed This year the car park opposite to Sir Run Run Shaw Hall will be used to accommodate the graduates. It will be temporarily closedfrom1st to 10th December for the erection of a canopy for the ceremony. Suspension of classes Classes for Medicine Year 1 and 2 and postgraduate programmes will be suspended on the congregation day. BFC Staff and Student Canteens temporarily closed The Benjamin Franklin Centre Staff and Student Canteens will be closed from 9.00 p.m. on 6th December to 1.30 p.m. on 7th December, to be used for the reception after Part I of the ceremony. The Fast Food Shop will also be closed from 11.15 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. on 7th December. Wet weather In case ofwet weather, Part I ofthe ceremony will be held in the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall while the New Asia College graduation ceremony will take place in the New Asia Gymnasium. 偉倫講座 W ei Lun Lecture 美國俄亥俄州立大學財務學講座教授Prof. Rene M . Stulz應大學邀請出任偉倫訪問教授,並於十一月廿一 日下午四時假信和樓二號演講廳主持公開講座,講題 爲「資本的成本在不同國家是否有差異?」。歡迎出 席。 Prof. Rene M. Stulz, Ralph Kurtz Chair in Finance from Ohio State University, will deliver a public lecture entitled 'Does the Cost of Capital Differ Across Countries? — Cases ofthe US and Japan' on 21st November at 4.00 p.m. in Lecture Theatre 2 of the Sino Building. 法、德、意語文委員會改名 Committee Renamed 教務會於十一月二日會議批准法、德、意語文委 員會即時改名爲歐洲語文學科委員會,配合新開辦之 西班牙文科目,更簡單準確反映該學科委員會的教學 範圍。 The Committee on French, German and Italian Studies has been renamed Committee on European Languages. The new name accommodates the new elective courses in Spanish introduced in 1995-96 and is more succinct. 三個委員會名單 Composition of Three Committees 新一屆硏究委員會、技術服務部管理委員會和實 驗室安全委員會成員名單如下: 研究委員會* 主席:楊綱凱教授 委員:湛偉權博士 高瑞齡教授 何國強教授 羅炳良博士 麥松威教授 宋恩榮教授 楊瑞輝教授 秘書:葉顏文慧女士 技術服務部管理委員會* 主席:黃乃正教授 副主席:高瑞齡教授 委員:醫學院代表 鮑曼教授 郭克倫教授 蔡棉教授 王昭春博士 理學院代表 韓炳基博士 關海山博士 瞿顯榮博士 黃乃正教授 跨學院代表 鄭漢其博士 當然委員/秘書:黎熹榮先生 實驗室安全委員會* * 主席:楊綱凱教授(副校長) 委 員 : M r . Jon Amies (總實驗室安全事務主任) 輻射安全監督主任及所有其他實驗室安全事 務主任 安全事務顧問委員會主席 黃子惠醫生(社區及家庭醫學系) 李國康醫生(大學保健處) 簡元信先生(建築處) 馬金順先生(保安組) 黃陳慰冰女士(大學秘書長代表) 秘書: Mr. Jon Amies *成員任期一年,由一九九五年八月一日起。 **成員任期由一九九五年八月一日起 Membership of the Research Committee from 1st August 1995 to 31st July 1996 is as follows: Chairman Prof. Kenneth Young Members Dr. Cham Wai-kuen Prof. J.A. Gosling Dr. Walter K.K. Ho Dr. Daniel Law Prof. Thomas C.W. Mak Dr. Sung Yun-wing Prof. Leslie Young Secretary Mrs. Alice N. Yip Membership of the M a n a g e m e nt Committee for the Technical Services Unit from 1st August 1995 to 31st July 1996 is as follows: Chairman Dr. Henry N.C. Wong Deputy Chairman Prof. J.A. Gosling Members Representatives from the Faculty of Medicine Dr. K. Baumann Dr. C.S. Cockram Dr. Y.M. Choy Dr. Nathalie Wong Representatives from the Faculty of Science Dr. P.K. Hon Dr. Kwan Hoi-shan Dr. H.W. Kui Dr. Henry N.C. Wong Inter-Faculty representative Dr. H.K. Cheng Ex-officio Member/Secretary Mr. H.W. Lai Membership of the Committee on Laboratory Safety from 1st August 1995 is as follows; Chairman Prof. Kenneth Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Members Mr. Jon Amies, Chief Laboratory Safety Officer Radiation Protection Officer and all other Laboratory Safety Officers Chairmen of the Safety Advisory Committees Dr. T.W. Wong, Department of Community and Family Medicine Dr. K.H. Lee, University Health Service Mr. Winston Y.S. Kan, Buildings Office Mr. Richard Ma, Security Unit Mrs. Amelia Wong, Representative of the University Secretary Secretary Mr. Jon Amies 大學游泳池維修 Swimming Pool News 范克廉樓游泳池將於十二月一日(星期五)起停止 開放,進行維修工程。預計明年四月可重新開放,確 實日期容後公布。 The University Swimming Pool will be closed from 1st December 1995 to April 1996 for annual maintenance. The exact date of reopening will be announced later. 中大通訊 第七十八期 一九九五年十一月十九日 4