Newsletter No. 155

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS Getting Prepared for the New Millennium A Y2K Information Centre (YIC) The YIC will operate from 00.00 1st January to 24.00 3rd January 2000. You can call the Y IC at 2603 7623 or 2603 7854 should you need any general Y 2K information or have any questions on the operation status of centrally managed computer systems and networks. Details of the operation of the YIC can be found on the Y2K homepage ( http://www.cuhk. . Systems Security Measures During Y2K Rollover There are reasons to believe that hackers may heavily invade computer systems during the Y2K rollover period. Colleagues are advised to take the following precautionary security measures for their computer systems which are connected to the Internet (in our case, through the Campus Backbone Network) before the arrival of the new millennium: • Change passwords. • Install system security patches. • Use the most updated virus scanner to scan for and eliminate vims. • Eliminate unnecessary system services that are potentially accessible to hackers. • Shutdown systems before you leave the office for the New Year holidays. (This is a single most effective step to take against hackers during the Y2K rollover period.) Check for the latest news. 性講座 保健處將於本月七日(星期二)下午一至二時假邵逸夫堂舉辦「不迷不悔性抉 擇」講座,由香港家庭計劃指導會教育組主任李明英小姐以粵語主持。內容包括 「性」與自我概念、如何處理「性」的需要、安全性行為、避孕方法、性教育活動 及資源等,並設討論、錄像帶播放、提問和個別輔導等環節。歡迎參加。 TDU Workshop A teaching cell session entitled 'Teaching Beyond the Classroom' w i ll be held on 16th December from 2.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. in Room 216 of the Science Centre, North Block. Dr. Cheng Kai-ming, Prof. Chu Ming-chung, Dr. Lee Yuk-yan, Dr. Tong Shiu-sing, and Dr. Wong Wing-hung from the Department of Physics will discuss their ongoing projects which extend teaching capability beyond th e traditional classroom. Please call Ext. 6201/6997 or e-mai l for registration or enquiries. Safety Policy To enhance safety awareness of the University community, the first Safety Circular was issued on 18th November 1999 to all departments/units. Highlights in this circular include cost-effective remedies for indoor air quality problems, computer mice, self-score on safe practices, and chemical safety. The University Safety Office will continue to issue a series of circulars at regular intervals. Comments and suggestions are most welcome and may be directed to the Safety Manager of the University Safety Office. A copy of the Safety Policy and the mission statement signed by the vice-chancellor are appended to the circular. The mission statement shows the dedication of the University to cultivating a positive safety culture through the concerted efforts of all departments/ units. Those who wish to obtain further copies of the policy document and the mission statement may contact the University Safet y Office at Ext. 7958 or download the information from their homepage at Department chairs/unit heads are regarded as 'duty holders' in the safety legislation and can be held personally liable if there is breach of due diligence. This is not limited to laboratory-based activities but also includes non-laboratory-related activities such as manual handling operation, clearing fire egress routes, and using chemicals. It is, therefore, the duty of each and every department/unit to ensure safety in its workplace. Department chairs/unit heads are urged to appoint safety coordinators to oversee safety matters and to serve as the point of contact with the University Safety Office. Small units that choose to be affiliated with other major departments/units should inform the University Safety Office of such arrangements. 大學游泳池停止開放 Swimming Pool News 大學游泳池已由十二月一日起停止開放,進行周年維修工程。重新開放日 期容後公布。 The University swimming pool will be closed from 1st December 1999 to April 2000 for annual maintenance. The date of re-opening will be announced later. 文物館龍年賀卡及聖誕卡 文物館採用館藏金元時期的灰陶龍紋磚設計了一款龍年賀卡,古樸典雅,每 張售四元;該館館友會今年推出五款聖誕卡,設計精美,每款十張為一套,售四 十元。上述賀卡各有附印應節賀辭及無賀辭兩種,歡迎員生親臨文物館選購。 文物館書刊特價銷售 Art Museum Book Sale 文物館本月舉辦「書刊特價銷 售月」,特價傾銷該館出版書刊共二十九種,至本月三十日止。銷售月期內,凡 購滿一百元者,獲贈精美展覽海報乙張,滿二百元者兩張,餘類推。歡迎員生 到該館展覽廳選購。 The Art Museum is staging a book sale until 30th December 1999 at its exhibition galleries. The following books are sold at a discount. With every purchase of HK$100, a poster will be given. 書名 Title 原價 Original Price 特價 Special Price 張穆年譜 The Chronological Biography of Zhang Mu $60 $10 中港臺大專美術學生作品 Works by Fine Arts Students in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong $120 $10 香港中文大學藝術系四十周年系慶教師作品 The Faculty Show in Commemoration of the 40 th Anniversary of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK $150 $10 臺閣佳器一暫得樓惠贈堂名款瓷器 Elegant Vessels for the Lofty Pavilion $210 $30 東京富士美術館藏日本美術名寳 Japanese Art Treasures from the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Collection $300 $30 黎簡謝蘭生書畫 The Art of Li Jian and Xie Lansheng $280 $56 冶齋印存 Seals of Ye Zhai $150 $30 朱明遺萃 A Legacy of the Ming $300 $60 新出歷代璽印集釋 Studies of Seals from Archaeological Finds $150 $45 中國漆藝二千年 2000 Years of Chinese Lacquer $430 $129 廣東出土五代至清文物 Archaeological Finds from the Five Dynasties to the Qing Periods in Guangdong $270 $81 蘇六朋蘇仁山書畫 The Art of Su Liupeng and Su Renshan $345 $103 陽羡砂壺圖攷 A Pictorial Study of Yangxian Pottery Teapots $100 $30 新出歷代璽印集錄 Newly Excavated Chinese Seals through the Ages $85 $34 秦漢魏晉南北朝官印研究 Official Seals from the Qin to the Six Dynasties $250 $92 湖北出土戰國秦漢漆器 Lacquerwares from the Warring States to the Han Periods Excavated in Hubei Province $450 $172 至樂樓藏明清書畫 Paintings and Calligraphy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties from the Chih Lo Lou Collection $310 $124 清瓷萃珍一清代康雍乾官窯瓷器 Qing Imperial Porcelain of the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Reigns $420 $168 黃般若的世界 The World of Wong Po-yeh $350 $140 香港中文大學文物館藏印續集(一) Catalogue of Bronze Seals in the Art Museum, CUHK Vol.II No. I $320 $128 香港中文大學文物館藏印續集(二) Catalogue of Bronze Seals in the Art Museum, CUHK Vol.11 No. 2 $320 $80 書海觀瀾 Proceedings for Chinese Calligraphy Symposium $150 $60 廣東出土先秦文物 Archaeological Finds from Pre-Qin Sites in Guangdong $230 $115 承訓堂藏扇面書畫 The Cheng Xun Tang Collection of Painting and Calligraphy on Fans $500 $250 紫石凝英一歷代端硯藝術 The Quintessential Purple Stone: Duan Inkstones through the Ages $230 $138 東方文明之光一良渚文化玉器 The Dawn of Chinese Civilization: Jades of the Liangzhu Culture $320 $192 江漢地區先秦文明 Pre-Qin Civilization in the Jianghau Region $200 $120 粵畫萃珍 Paintings by Guangdong Artists $210 $147 漢延熹西嶽華山廟碑 The Huashan Temple Stele $300 $240 中大通訊 5 第一五五期 一九九九年十二月四日