Newsletter No. 440

Ming Painting Receives a Modern Touch 1
Marginalia 2
Feature 2
Finding Care at the End of Life 2
Founder of Palliative Care — Dame Cicely Saunders 2
Campus News 4
Improved Medical Benefits to CUHK Staff 4
Joseph Sung Receives Hong Kong Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award 4
CUHK Adopts Endpoint Security Solution 4
New Hybrid Cardiovascular Operating Theatre Reduces Risk of Surgery 5
Antony Leung on Hong Kong's Future Economy and Job Market 5
Fresh Graduates Receive French Scholarships 5
CUHK f+b 6
The 600-Calorie Menu 6
The Galleria 6
Letter recommending Lao Sze-kwang for Harvard-Yenching Visiting Scholarship 6
Announcements 7
Harvard–Yenching Institute Programmes 7
Talks on Vietnamese Boat People in Hong Kong 7
New Vehicle Access Control System 7
Natural Moxibustion Health Campaign 7
Extension of Opening Hours of University Swimming Pool 7
Ins and Outs 8
Appointments/Re-appointments 8
Resignations 9
Retirements 9
Thus Spake... 10
Salome Chan 10