Newsletter No. 533

教學機械人整裝待發 Gear Up for Pedagogical Robots 機械人擁有人的外形甚至對話能力,適用於語文教 學。然而,市面上的機械人教學軟件或應用程式,均 需老師進行複雜的編程和設定。學能提升研究中心 正在研發的uReply Robot如手機應用程式般操作簡 易,老師只要接受少許訓練,便可自訂不同設定,例 如把講義投影片、短片和問題等內容預先下載至機械 人,由機械人轉播「授課」,讓老師有更多空間與學生 互動,以及帶領學習活動。 The Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research has recently started to develop an application named ‘uReply Robot’. Having human-like appearance and the ability of conversation, humanoid robots are applicable to language subjects which require more interaction and engagement from students. Software or applications available in the market, however, may not be a perfect choice for teachers to set up the robots as they may not possess the required level of programming knowledge. uReply Robot is a user-friendly application which allows teachers to set up various types of robots with minimal training. As simple as using a mobile app, teachers will be able to pre-load content like lecture slides, videos, questions, etc., onto the robots for ‘lecturing’, leaving teachers more time to facilitate learning activities and to interact with students during lessons. 齊心出戰馬拉松 Team Up for Marathon 超過二千五百名中大學生、教職員和校友出戰2月17日的渣打香港馬 拉松2019賽事,是今屆第二支最多參賽人數的隊伍,並連續第七年 獲大會頒發「最鼎力支持大獎」。超過三百名啦啦隊隊員在沿途各站 為跑手打氣,校方安排的運動醫學團隊則協助跑手賽後舒緩肌肉。大 學在賽前製作了短片講解近期流行的高強度間歇訓練,體育運動科 學系、體育部及矯形外科及創傷學系的專業導師亦舉辦講座及場地訓 練課程。 Over 2,500 students, staff, and alumni of CUHK joined the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2019 on 17 February, making it the second largest team in the competition and recipient of the ‘Most Supportive Group Award’ for the seventh consecutive year. Over 300 CUHK supporters cheered the runners at several cheering spots along the race routes. The CUHK Sports Medicine Team helped runners with their recovery. Professionals from the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, Physical Education Unit and the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology conducted seminars and a field training session before the race. A video was produced to introduce the popular high-intensity interval training to runners. 國際數學競賽奪冠 CUHK Ranks First in International Mathematics Competition SMMC數學競賽2017年在 澳洲成立,2018年共有亞 太區逾四十家大學近九百 名學生參加。中大派出二十 六名本科生組隊出戰,其中 二十一人主修數學。郭敏怡 (右)和李信明(左)於雙 人賽取得第一名、董鑫泉和 黃俊誠取得第三名,沈健昊 於個人賽奪得第二名。中大總分最高,榮獲大學獎首名。 The Simon Marais Mathematics Competition (SMMC), established in Australia in 2017, drew participation from nearly 900 students from more than 40 universities across the Asia-Pacific region. The CUHK team, consisting of 26 undergraduate students (21 of them majoring in mathematics), has proven themselves to be top mathematics problem solvers. Mandy Kwok (right) and Samuel Lee (left) won the first place of the Pairs Prize while Tung Kam-chuen and Wong Chun-shing took the third. Shen Jianhao acquired the second place of the Individual Prize. Having the highest total score, CUHK got the first place of the University Prize. 微型機械人十五分鐘驗難辨梭菌毒素 Microrobots Detect Toxins in 15 Minutes 中大工程學院及醫學院的研究團隊近日成功研發一 款孢子合成的微型機械人,可用於醫學檢測。只要把 微型機械人注入病人的排泄物樣本,最快十五分鐘 便可準確檢測難辨梭菌釋出的毒素。現時難辨梭菌 的化驗過程普遍需時一至兩日。難辨梭菌感染是最 常見的住院期間內腸道感染,其分泌的毒素會引起腹 瀉、發燒和大便出血等,少數嚴重個案會引發腹膜炎 和敗血症,甚至死亡。服用抗生素的病人、長者、慢性 病或炎症性腸病患者容易遭受感染。 A collaborative research team from the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Medicine has recently developed fungi spore-inspired microrobots to detect Clostridium difficile ( C. difficile ) bacterial toxins. The microrobots are active sensors capable of detecting the toxins in stool samples accurately within 15 minutes, based on a specific combination. The current clinical test of the toxins normally takes one to two days. C. difficile infection is the most common hospital acquired enteric infection. The toxins secreted by C. difficile will cause diarrhoea, fever and hematochezia. In some cases, patients may develop life- threatening peritonitis and sepsis. 科研精英聚首峰會 THE Summit on Research Excellence 校長段崇智教授(右一)於2月20日在澳洲悉尼舉行 的「泰晤士高等教育亞太卓越研究峰會」中講論退化 疾病及再生醫學的前途與挑戰。是次峰會以「科研造 福社會」為主題,討論和肯定大學研究對亞太區社會 的建樹。十七個國家逾二百名高等教育界、政府和業 界代表出席。 Vice-Chancellor and President Prof. Rocky S. Tuan (1st right) talked about degenerative diseases and the promises and challenges of regenerative medicine during the ‘Times Higher Education (THE) Research Excellence Summit: Asia Pacific’ in Sydney on 20 February. The Summit with a theme ‘Research for the Public Good’ debated and reinforced the positive and long-term impact of university research on society in the Asia-Pacific region. Over 200 representatives from the higher education, government and industry sectors of 17 countries attended the Summit. 07 # 5 3 3 | 0 4 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 9