Annual Report 2019–20

10 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2019–2020 際的海外交流體驗,讓學生與不同地方 的專家、學者及同學互動,學習世界各地 的新意念及文化。網上學生交流計劃憑 藉其創新意念,獲選入圍「Falling Walls 年度科學突破獎」決賽。該比賽由德國 聯邦教育及研究部支持的非牟利組織 「Falling Walls 基金會」舉辦,是年度的 國際盛事。 在遏止新冠肺炎方面,大學發揮其研究 和服務社會的使命,作出重要貢獻。提升 病毒測試能力是控制疫情的關鍵之一, 中大醫學院從 2020 年 3 月開始為機場 抵港兒童和有需要人士提供免費糞便檢 測。醫學院更獲政府支持增加實驗室人 手和設備,於 2020 年 9 月成立檢測中 心,每天檢測高達二千個樣本。此外,為 深入了解香港隱形傳播的情況,醫學院 於 2020 年 4月招募三千名市民作測試, 以找出隱形傳播者及研究新冠肺炎對個 別年齡組別和職業人士的影響。 本年報羅列了大學過去一年在各方面的 主要工作,包括不同學院和學術單位在 研究方面的創新成就,當中有不少更獲 得獎譽 ; 為配合社會需要而推出的新課 程,以及為大眾提供的免費網上課程,鼓 勵終身學習 ; 還有將知識轉化成新穎的 概念和實際可行的解決方案。中大成員 以探索未知的好奇心,以及應用知識的 決心,引發創業創新的精神,使中大連續 四年 (2016—2019) 獲路透社亞太區最 具創新力大學排名香港區第一位。 大學為以上成就自豪,卻不會因而自滿。 我們正積極籌備「2021—2025 年香港中 文大學策略計劃」,勾劃未來發展藍圖, 引領大學層樓更上。由我本人領導的指 導委員會和七個工作小組,分別專注於 in the community. To enhance Hong Kong’s capacity to test for COVID-19, the Faculty of Medicine has offered to conduct free stool tests since March 2020 for asymptomatic children coming to Hong Kong by air to screen for possible infection cases. With support from the government, the Faculty began to operate a testing centre in September 2020 to provide up to 2,000 COVID-19 tests per day. To get a full idea of hidden infections in Hong Kong, the Faculty recruited 3,000 citizens in April 2020 to identify those who were infected and how the disease affected particular age groups and occupations. As you can see in the following pages of this report, various Faculties and academic units of the University continued to break new grounds in research, won awards for their accomplishments, offered multiple new programmes that are relevant to the needs of society, as well as free online courses for the public for their lifelong learning. The knowledge we created was transformed into creative and innovative concepts and translated into practical solutions. Our curiosity to explore the unknown and determination to apply knowledge leads to the entrepreneurial spirit that again made us the most innovative university in Hong Kong from 2016 to 2019 in ranking by Reuters Asia Pacific. Looking beyond our past accomplishments, there is no room for complacency. We are in the process of drafting a Strategic Plan for 2021–2025 that will chart the pathways to take us to new heights. A Steering Committee, led by me, and seven working groups have been formed, each focusing on one of the seven key areas, namely, education, research and innovation, student experience, global engagement, talent attraction and development, social responsibility and sustainable development, and alumni engagement and institutional advancement. Focus groups and consultation sessions had