Annual Report 2019–20

校長前言 Foreword by the Vice-Chancellor and President 11 教育、研究及創新、學生體驗、全球視野、 人才招攬及發展、社會責任及可持續發 展、凝聚校友及大學拓展等方面,將確立 策略方向。我們進行了多場焦點小組和 諮詢小組作出深入討論,獲得很多寶貴 的意見,在此衷心感謝大家的參與。我們 會適時向大家公布策略計劃的進展。 中大服務社會的決心,植根於我們創造、 傳播、轉化知識的傳統,不但經得起時間 的考驗,也幫助我們克服多年來的種種 困難。我衷心感謝大學社群成員對中大 的襄助。香港正面臨許多挑戰,有賴大 家持續的支持及指導,使中大成為一所 以公益為先的大學。我期盼中大的優秀 傳統能繼續帶領我們,憑着毅力和樂觀 精神,爭取更多佳績。 香港中文大學校長 段崇智 been run and we deeply appreciate all the valuable comments and suggestions received. The University community will be duly informed of the progress of the exercise. CUHK’s readiness to serve is buttressed by our tradition to create, disseminate and transfer knowledge, a legacy that not only stands the test of time but also helps us tide over hardships through the years. I cannot thank members of the University community enough for their support. Your engagement has helped us make CUHK a civic university in this singularly challenging time that Hong Kong has been weathering. It is my earnest hope that the CUHK tradition will continue to spur us on to further success, with resilience and optimism. Rocky S. Tuan Vice-Chancellor and President