Annual Report 2020–21

校長前言 Foreword by the Vice-Chancellor and President 3 校長前言 Foreword by the Vice-Chancellor and President 感謝您閱覽2020至2021年的《香港中 文大學年報》。 過去一年,新冠肺炎疫情持續威脅全 球社會,本港亦同時從2019年社會動 盪的餘波中逐步恢復過來。香港中文 大學(中大)成員展現了團結精神,肩 負重要使命和責任,勇於創新求變,為 我校歷史續寫新篇。 中大於本年度發表了2021至2025年策 略計劃《中大2025──力臻卓越 任重 志遠》。我們廣邀全體教職員、學生及 校友就大學發展進行諮詢,在策略計 It is my great pleasure to present to you The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s (CUHK) 2020-2021 Annual Report. Against the backdrop of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which continues to wreak havoc in the world, and the aftermath of the local social turmoil in 2019, the CUHK community has united with a sense of purpose, responsibility and innovation to ink a new chapter in our history. After extensive consultation with staff, students and alumni, CUHK was proud to launch our new 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, ‘ CUHK 2025 – Excellence with Purpose and Responsibility ’, a comprehensive blueprint to guide the University’s development as we navigate the intersection of our fifth and sixth decades. ‘ CUHK 2025 ’ is anchored in our aspiration to be a civic university that contributes locally, nationally and globally, in the current critical time when the