Annual Report 2020–21

4 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2020–2021 role of higher education has never been more important. In light of the profound challenges that confront our species – climate change, medical breakthroughs, artificial intelligence, geopolitical tensions, global sustainability – the convening power of universities must be harnessed to make lasting impact on humanity. CUHK shall spare no effort to rise to these challenges. The 14th National Five-Year Plan articulates a prominent role for Hong Kong – it envisions Hong Kong developing as a major innovation and technology hub and the strategic importance of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). CUHK has been a true pioneer in the GBA. Long before the announcement of the Outline Development Plan for the GBA by the State Council in 2019, our Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) was launched in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2021. SIAT was just the beginning. It was followed by the establishment of our Shenzhen Research Institute in 2007, which is now home to a number of key national and provincial research laboratories as well as dozens of vibrant startups. We also launched CUHK (Shenzhen) in 2012, which is a comprehensive and research-intensive university symbolising successful cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Many more ambitious GBA initiatives will be unveiled throughout the next year as we continue to consolidate our presence in this important national hub. 劃中詳細勾劃大學發展的宏圖願景, 帶領我校跨越半世紀,邁向一甲子。在 此時期,高等教育擔當的角色變得前 所未有的重要。《中大2025》本着大學 以公益為先的理念,矢志貢獻香港、國 家、以至全球社會。人類正面臨種種嚴 峻的考驗,包括氣候變化、醫學革新、 人工智能、地緣政治局勢、全球可持續 發展等。各地大學必須動員一切力量, 發揮既深且遠的影響力,貢獻全球人 類。中大將不遺餘力地承擔此等重任, 迎接新時代的挑戰。 國家的《十四五規劃綱要》清楚確立香 港的重要定位,銳意把香港打造成創新 及科技中心,強調對粵港澳大灣區(大 灣區)戰略發展的高度重視。事實上, 中大是踏足大灣區發展的先鋒。早在 國務院於2019年公布《粵港澳大灣區 發展規劃綱要》前,中大已在中國科學 院的支持下成立了深圳先進技術研究 院(深圳先進院),2021年正好是該院 慶祝十五周年紀念。深圳先進院的成立 中大醫院引入全港 第一台全方位自動 化配藥系統。 CUHKMC is equipped with the first automated total solution for unit dose dispensing in Hong Kong.