Annual Report 2020–21

研究、創新與創業 Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 33 1.5 研究、創新與創業 Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 作為亞洲領先的研究型大學,中大的科研成就享譽全球, 務求把研究、創新和企業結合成一個富生產力的連續流 程,為社會創造價值,帶來即時及長遠利益。本年度,大學 繼續把握機會,努力參與研究、創新及使命為先的協作, 為世界帶來正面而深遠的影響。 Recognised as a leading research university in Asia and among the best in the world, the University champions research, innovation and entrepreneurship as a productive continuum that creates value and brings both immediate and long-term benefits to society. In the year under review, CUHK continued to seize opportunities to generate impactful outcomes through research projects, innovative solutions and mission-driven collaborations.