Annual Report 2020–21

34 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2020–2021 革新創優 共創未來 Bettering the World through Research 基礎及應用研究對人類文明至關重要, 能幫助我們克服新時代的種種艱巨挑戰。 Both basic and applied research are the foundations of human progress and critical to solving the grand challenges of our time. 1 2 CUHK's research community are committed to driving their research and expertise into applied solutions and contributing to society. Our efforts at combating COVID-19 offer good examples of our research driving real-world clinical outcomes. The Faculty of Medicine introduced the nasal strip test as a superior tool to detect SARS-CoV-2, which can be used as a highly accurate and low-risk testing method suitable for subjects of a wide age range in community-based surveillance programmes. A multi- disciplinary research team from the Faculties of Engineering and Medicine developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system for automated, rapid and accurate detection of COVID-19 infections in chest computed tomography (CT) images to greatly alleviate the burden of clinicians in interpreting medical images for COVID-19 diagnosis. 大學研究人員努力把研究及專業知識 轉化成實際方案,貢獻社會。成功例子 包括就應對新型冠狀病毒所衍生的多 項研究。中大醫學院發明以 鼻紙條採 集鼻液樣本 ,這種準確度極高且病毒 傳播風險較低的新冠病毒採樣方法, 適用於涉及不同年齡人士的大規模社 區病毒檢測計劃。工程學院及醫學院的 跨學科團隊共同開發一個 人工智能系 統 ,可快速及準確地自動檢測胸部電 腦斷層掃瞄影像上的新冠肺炎感染病 灶,大大減輕醫護人員進行醫學影像 檢查的負擔。 科研成果 守護健康 Identifying avenues towards public health