Annual Report 2020–21

研究、創新與創業 Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 35 另外,中大醫學院在大腸癌研究上亦 成功將科研結果轉化為臨床應用的工 具,全球首創透過 檢測糞便的細菌基 因偵測大腸癌 。這項非入侵性的大腸 癌及瘜肉復發檢測方法靈敏度超過 90%,能讓大腸癌患者及早確診並接 受治療。此技術既減少患者進行非必 要的入侵性大腸鏡檢查的潛在風險, 同時減低醫療系統的負荷,對患者本人 以至整個社會都有所裨益。 Another prime example of successful translational research is the development of the world’s first faecal ‘bacterial gene markers’ test by the Faculty of Medicine. This non-invasive test can detect colorectal cancer and polyp recurrence with a sensitivity of over 90%, allowing early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. It spares patients from unnecessary invasive colonoscopies, thus reducing pressure on medical services and bringing benefits to both individual patients and society as a whole. 中大醫學院採用不同尺寸的鼻紙條,為不同年 齡的兒童採集鼻液樣本,以檢測新冠病毒。 The nasal strips used in the study conducted by the Faculty of Medicine are customised in different sizes to fit children at different ages to detect SARS-CoV-2. 中大跨學科團隊攜手開發了一套人工智能系統, 可快速及準確地自動檢測胸腔電腦斷層掃瞄影 像上的新冠肺炎感染病灶。 A multidisciplinary research team has developed an artificial intelligence system for the automated, rapid and accurate detection of COVID-19 infections in chest computed tomography images. 中大醫學院研發嶄新技術,以糞便細菌基因偵 測大腸癌及瘜肉復發,測試靈敏度超過90%。 The Faculty of Medicine develops a novel bacterial gene markers test that can detect polyp recurrence and early colon cancers with sensitivity over 90%. 1 2 3 3