Annual Report 2020–21

社會責任 Social Responsibility 49 建築學院的 「一專一村」 計劃於中國農 村進行改善工程、建造天橋及新型夯 土房屋建築系統,加速當地可持續建 設。團隊採用本地物料、勞動力和技術 進行建設,降低成本,改善村民生活水 平。計劃亦幫助婦女培養生活及職業 技能,造就機會讓她們參與建築工程, 推動性別平等。計劃獲聯合國環保署 頒發2021年國際綠禮袍獎「造福社會」 組別大獎,該獎項表彰世界各地在支持 可持續發展方面表現優秀的教育機構, 深受國際認同。 大學與中國人民對外友好協會、清華 大學及香港大學協辦 「世界公益慈善 論壇2020特別會議」 ,超過三千二百 位嘉賓親身或於線上出席活動,就「後 疫情時代國際公益慈善合作」主題交 流心得。 工程學院及教育學院獲香港賽馬會慈 善信託基金贊助,開展為期三年的 「中 大賽馬會『智』為未來計劃」 ,為香港 中學創建首個人工智能(AI)教學資源 套,制訂可持續的教育框架,支援AI教 育生態發展。 The One University One Village (1U1V) team of the School of Architecture initiated a rural sustainable development assistance programme that included village improvement work, bridge building, and the construction of a new rammed-earth building system in mainland China. The use of local materials, labour and technology in rural construction reduces costs and helps improve the livelihoods of local villagers. Additionally, by engaging local women in construction projects, the programme equipped women with employment skills and experience which will contribute to the advancement of gender equality. It won in the category of ‘Benefitting Society’ in 2021 International Green Gown Awards of the United Nations Environment Programme, the most prestigious recognition of best practice in sustainability in the education sector worldwide. CUHK co-hosted the World Philanthropy Forum 2020 Special Symposium with the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Tsinghua University and The University of Hong Kong. Over 3,200 guests attended the hybrid event. Participants exchanged views on the theme of ‘International Public Welfare and Philanthropy Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Era’. With generous funding from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Faculties of Engineering and Education spearheaded a three-year artificial intelligence (AI) education project entitled ‘CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project’ to foster the development of the AI education ecosystem in the territory by establishing the first junior secondary AI Curriculum in Hong Kong and a sustainable AI education framework for local schools. 6 7