Annual Report 2020–21

52 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2020–2021 實踐多元共融 Diversity and Inclusion in Action 中大「可持續發展及 多元共融設計思考 2021暑期訓練計劃」 鼓勵青少年合力建設 可持續發展及多元共 融的社區。 The ‘CUHK Sustainability and Social Inclusion Programme for School Students: Design Thinking Summer 2021’ motivates teenagers to take collective action to build a sustainable and inclusive community. 1 1 The establishment of the Diversity and Inclusion Office and the introduction of the Diversity and Inclusion Policy last year consolidated many ongoing efforts and initiatives to further promulgate openness, civility and inclusivity in our daily pursuits and interactions. This year, we stepped up our effort by extending the scope of duties of the Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment (formerly known as the Committee Against Sexual Harassment) to oversee education matters relating to discrimination in the University, develop and review policies and procedures for handling discrimination and harassment complaints for compliance with the anti-discrimination ordinances in Hong Kong, and advise on how to promote awareness across the University community. The Procedures for Handling Discrimination Complaints introduced this year set out the official mechanism for dealing with allegations or complaints covered by the Diversity and Inclusion Policy and for providing proper redress if and when discrimination, harassment or vilification occurs. The University aspires to deliver the message of diversity and inclusion beyond campus. In a joint effort, the Diversity and Inclusion Office and the Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office organised the ‘CUHK Sustainability and Social Inclusion Programme for School Students: Design Thinking Summer 2021’ . Through training, ideation, and implementation of practical solutions, secondary school students learnt about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and social inclusion issues. They were also inspired to adopt the mindset of global citizens and take collective action to build a sustainable and inclusive community. 大學於去年成立多元共融事務處,並 推出《多元共融政策》,整合多項現行 措施及項目,宣揚並實踐大學核心價 值──開放、守禮、兼容。本年度,我 們更進一步,將 防止歧視及性騷擾委 員會 (前為防止性騷擾委員會)的職權 範圍擴大,負責監督大學與歧視相關 的教育事務,依據香港反歧視法例制 定及檢討處理歧視及騷擾投訴的政策 及指引,並就相關宣傳措施提供建議。 大學亦於今年制訂 《處理歧視投訴程 序》 ,詳列《多元共融政策》所涵蓋的 指控或投訴的正式處理途徑,以及一 旦發生歧視、騷擾或中傷時,應採取的 適當措施。 大學矢志把多元共融理念推至更遠。 多元共融事務處與社會責任及可持續 發展處合辦 「可持續發展及多元共融 設計思考2021暑期訓練計劃」 ,透過 培訓、構思及實踐,向中學生介紹「聯 合國可持續發展目標」,一同探討社會 共融議題,鼓勵新一代實踐世界公民 的責任,合力建設可持續發展及共融 的社區。