Annual Report 2020–21

多元共融 Diversity and Inclusion 53 多元共融週 Diversity and Inclusion Week 學生代表(左)從中大校長段崇智教授(右)手中接過多元共融大使委任狀。 A student representative (left) receives the D&I Ambassador appointment certificate from Professor Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK (right). 多元共融週的活動非常豐富。 The Diversity and Inclusion Week features a wide range of activities. 2 2 3 3 While the collective effort of the entire University community is of paramount importance to advancing equity and inclusion, a whole-university approach is adopted to solicit the active engagement of every individual on campus to foster a diverse and enabling environment for all our members where differences in age, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, physical fitness or ability are embraced. The inaugural Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Week was held in March 2021. Commencing with the Diversity and Inclusion Pledging Ceremony, at which 27 students were appointed as D&I Ambassadors, the Week featured a full calendar of events and activities for everyone to participate. In a collaborative effort, Colleges, departments, units and student associations of the University organised a variety of events including the D&I@CUHK Slogan Competition, sign language, music and art workshops organised by Colleges and departments, the ‘Fitness x Mentorship’ community sports programme organised by the I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development, a talk arranged by the Alumni Affairs Office, interactive language and cooking activities organised by the Independent Learning Centre, intercultural game booths held by non-local student associations of the University, a movie screening and panel discussion on ‘Empowering Women Academics in Higher Education: A Dialogue’ held by the Task Force on Women and Family-friendly Policies, an international conference titled ‘Gender and (Im) mobility in Uncertain Times’ organised by the Gender Studies Programme. These vibrant activities put the University’s commitment to engaging every member in the grand mission of promoting diversity and inclusion on full display. 大學認為只有各成員團結一致,方能令 多元共融工作取得成功,因此就相關 事務採取全民政策,合力為所有人提 供多元和有利發揮其所長的環境,確 保各人年齡、性別、族群、種族、宗教、 健康或能力上的差異均受尊重。 大學於2021年3月首次舉辦「 多元共融 週」 ,是次活動以宣誓儀式揭開序幕,二 十七位學生在典禮上獲委任為多元共 融大使。各書院、部門、單位及學生組織 同心協力,舉辦多項活動,包括「多元共 融在中大」口號設計比賽、由各書院及 部門舉辦的手語、音樂及美術工作坊、 博群全人發展中心的「健身x師友」社區 運動計劃、校友事務處的分享會、自學 中心的語言及烹飪交流活動、中大非本 地學生組織的跨文化遊戲攤位、女性及 家庭友善政策小組主辦的「為高等教育 界的女學者賦權:對話」電影欣賞及小 組論壇、性別研究課程主辦並以「不確 定時期的性別和(非)流動性」為題的 國際會議等。琳瑯滿目的活動彰顯大學 社群上下一心、致力構建多元共融校園 的決心。