Annual Report 2021–22

校長前言 Foreword by the Vice-Chancellor and President 3 校長前言 Foreword by the Vice-Chancellor and President 感謝您閱覽2021至2022年度之《香港 中文大學年報》。 2021-22年是香港中文大學(中大)推 出最新五年策略計劃後的首個學年。這 一年來,大學積極落實計劃中的各項目 標,包括在本港及以外地區開展多項具 正面影響力的項目及協作計劃。其中, 全港首個全校性校企合作旗艦項目「在 學‧在職計劃」正式啟動,讓學生的課 堂學習及職場經驗充分融合,促進大學 與業界合作培育本港人才,為學生、僱 主和大學創造三贏局面。「力臻卓越,任 重志遠」,中大務求在教育、研究、創新 和社區參與方面追求至善,貢獻社會。 本學年的教學安排依然受到新冠疫情的 影響,儘管大學在學年初期曾恢復面授 課堂,惟2022年初第五波疫情來襲,大 學須再次採取應急措施。過去一年,中 大持續在保障學生安全和健康的前提 下,致力為他們提供豐富多元的學習體 It is my great pleasure to present to you the 2021-2022 Annual Report of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Entering the first year after the launch of our new five-year strategic plan, CUHK actively put its goals into action in 2021- 22. The year saw the progressive implementation of major initiatives, as well as significant projects and partnerships in and outside Hong Kong to generate positive impact. Among these, the very successful launch of our flagship, university- wide, first-in-Hong Kong Co-operative Education Programme (Co-op@CUHK) was a particularly significant milestone. Combining classroom learning with work experience, the programme engages students, employers and the University in a seamless partnership to produce triple-win outcomes, and to support Hong Kong’s talent development. Our commitment to “Excellence with Purpose and Responsibility” continues to serve as a beacon that guides our work on education, research, innovation and community outreach towards a bright horizon. The pandemic continued to be the great disruptor in the 2021- 22 academic year. We started the year celebrating our return to face-to-face learning and teaching, but the onset of Hong Kong’s fifth COVID wave in early 2022 once again required our emergency response. Providing an enriching educational experience in a safe, healthy environment for students