Annual Report 2021–22

4 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2021–2022 remained our primary focus, and we recognised the outbreak as a key driver of educational transformation. Through effective delivery of learning and teaching in online or hybrid mode for the majority of the year, alongside our innovative efforts to continue the internationally acclaimed Virtual Student Exchange Programme in collaboration with the Association of Pacific Rim Universities, we were able to maintain the highest standards of education despite pandemic disruptions. To encourage students to connect theory and knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations, we have developed a wide range of experiential learning opportunities, including internships and networking sessions with successful entrepreneurs and innovators in the community. This hands-on learning approach promotes interdisciplinary education and civic engagement, equipping students with invaluable experience and skills to propel them to become future-ready talent. 2021-22 was a rewarding year for CUHK in terms of our continued impressive performance in world university rankings. In particular, we attained a record-high global ranking of 38th in the prestigious QS World University Rankings, our best in over a decade. We also participated in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings for the first time this year, achieving the highest total score among all participating institutions in Hong Kong, reflecting our passionate commitment to social responsibility and sustainable development. These impressive results are a testament to the dedication of the entire CUHK community, to whom I owe a debt of gratitude beyond words. 驗。事實上,疫情為我們帶來改革傳統 教育模式的契機。中大除了善用創新科 技致力優化網上或混合模式授課的成 效外,更持續推行與環太平洋大學聯盟 合作開展、備受各地大學推崇的「網上 學生交流計劃」,讓我們在疫情下保持 高質素的教學。此外,為鼓勵學生把課 本理論和知識與實際生活連結,大學提 供多元化的體驗式學習機會,包括與社 會上成功的企業家和創業者交流、提供 實習機會等。我們深信,學生從實踐中 學習有助促進跨學科思維及公民參與, 這些寶貴的經驗將提升他們的技能,裝 備好迎向未來挑戰。 2021-22年對中大而言是收穫豐富的一 年。我們在世界大學排名中持續表現 卓越,包括在QS世界大學排名中排行 第三十八位,創下近十年最佳成績。此 外,本年度中大首次參與泰晤士高等教 育世界大學影響力排名,在眾多本地大 學中獲得最高評分,彰顯了我們在履行 社會責任及推動可持續發展的努力。以 上佳績全賴中大成員的竭誠付出,我深 表感激。