Annual Report 2021–22

多元共融 Diversity and Inclusion 59 多元共融週 Diversity and Inclusion Week 非本地生在「多元共融週開幕典禮」上展示民族服飾。 Non-local students presented their traditional costumes at the Opening Ceremony of the Diversity and Inclusion Week. 商 ・ 校共融計劃 Co ・ Uni Inclusion Programme 「共融小廚房」烹飪活動 “ Cooking with inclusion ” 「口述影像體驗」 “ Experiencing audio description ” 「可持續啤酒工作坊」 “ Sustainable beer workshop ” The University held its Diversity and Inclusion Week in late October 2021. The annual, university-wide signature event kicked off with an opening ceremony at the Cultural Square on the main campus with welcome remarks by Professor Rocky S. Tuan, CUHK’s Vice-Chancellor and President; the official appointment of D&I Ambassadors; a traditional costumes catwalk; and performances of Central Asian music and contemporary dance. The week featured a full calendar of events and activities organised by colleges, departments, units and student associations, including the “D&I Passport Game”, a roving exhibition on preventing discrimination and sexual harassment, interactive language and cooking activities, cultural workshops, movie screenings, sharing sessions and webinars. They represented a collaborative effort among the University community to build a diverse, inclusive campus.  中大於2021年10月下旬舉辦「多元共融週開幕典 禮」,為一年一度的「多元共融週」揭開序幕。典 禮由中大校長段崇智教授致開幕辭,多名學生代 表獲委任為多元共融大使。大會亦安排多項賞心 悅目的文藝表演,包括傳統民族服飾匯演、中亞 音樂及現代舞示範等,讓來賓一同感受活動的熱 鬧氣氛。「多元共融週」節目豐富,各書院、部門、 單位及學生組織同心協力,舉辦多項活動,包括 「多元共融護照」遊戲、防止歧視及性騷擾巡迴 展覽、語言及烹飪交流活動、文化工作坊、電影放 映會、專題分享及網上研究會等。琳瑯滿目的活 動彰顯大學社群上下一心,致力構建多元共融校 園。 CUHK’s Diversity and Inclusion Office launched a university and corporate inclusion programme last summer with the aim of collaborating with leading corporations that are committed to social responsibility to establish mutually beneficial relationships and have a positive impact on society. As a pilot, we collaborated with the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas), a major energy supplier in Hong Kong, to organise three fun-filled, meaningful activities, “Cooking with inclusion”, “Experiencing audio description” and “Sustainable beer workshop”, that enabled CUHK students to deepen their understanding of different cultures, appreciate the needs of ethnic minorities and disadvantaged groups, and learn more about social inclusion through interaction with corporate representatives. 中大多元共融事務處於去年暑假推出「商‧校共 融計劃」,推動大學與積極履行社會責任的大型 企業共同合作,建立互惠互利的夥伴關係,禆益 社會。作為計劃的先導活動,中大與本港主要能 源供應商香港中華煤氣有限公司(煤氣公司)合 辦連串活動,包括讓參加者體驗多元飲食文化之 「共融小廚房」烹飪活動、了解視障人士生活及挑 戰之「口述影像體驗」、以及認識可持續啤酒理念 及釀製過程的「可持續啤酒工作坊」。透過新穎有 趣的活動,讓中大同學認識不同文化,理解少數 族裔及弱勢社群的需要,並與企業代表互相傳遞 包容與接納的信息,宣揚平等與關愛。