Annual Report 2021–22

60 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2021–2022 中大校長段崇智教授(右四)歡迎參加首屆 「史丹福大學 Bing 海外留學計劃」香港課 程的海外�生。 Professor Rocky S. Tuan (4 th from right), CUHK’s Vice-Chancellor and President, welcomed the first cohort of BOSP students to CUHK. 群賢薈萃 Where global talents take root 中大獨特的學術和文化氛圍培養成員具備文化素養和國際視野。 來自世界各地的員生在優越的環境下體驗多元文化,掌握跨學科知識。 At CUHK, we provide a unique academic and cultural experience that allows members to achieve cultural literacy and gain international perspectives. Students and staff from all over the world enjoy being immersed in our multicultural, interdisciplinary learning environment. 史丹福大學Bing海外留學計劃香港課程 Stanford University’s Bing Overseas Studies Programme (Hong Kong) CUHK welcomed the first cohort of students from Stanford University’s Bing Overseas Studies Programme (BOSP), a tailor- made overseas study programme that allows Stanford students to experience international education at one of its 13 programme centres worldwide. Originally scheduled to commence in 2019, BOSP Hong Kong was suspended until autumn 2021 due to the pandemic. The inaugural class of seven Stanford students spent a whole semester from September to December 2021 studying and living at CUHK, the only BOSP provider in Greater China. They took academic courses curated by academics from both institutions, with a major focus on China Studies, as well as Chinese language courses and a course that investigated the social, political, economic and cultural facets of Hong Kong. To broaden students’ understanding of the city, the curriculum included a series of activities, including field trips and experiential learning sessions. This important partnership with the prestigious Stanford University is testimony to CUHK’s teaching excellence and extensive experience in international education. 中大於本年度迎來參與首屆「史丹福 大學Bing海外留學計劃」(BOSP)香 港課程的學生,該計劃是專為史丹福 大學本科生而設的海外研習項目,讓 他們在全球十三個項目據點體驗國 際教育。中大是計劃在大中華地區的 唯一協辦院校。受疫情影響,原定於 2019年開始的BOSP香港課程延至 2021年秋季展開。七名史丹福學生於 2021年9月至12月期間到中大作短期 留學及生活。他們修讀由兩所院校精 心策劃的學術課程,集中研究中國文 化,又參加了中文課程及探討香港社 會、政治、經濟和文化的特別課程。為 加深學生對本地社區的了解,計劃更 加入一系列實地考察和體驗式學習活 動。這項跨校協作意義重大,是中大 致力推動優質教學及國際教育又一重 要成果。